Friday, January 27, 2012

A funny thing happened on the way to writing: I swear by my tattoo – Part Three!

Where do I start this story? 

Of course, at the beginning!

It was Monday, January 23, 2012, 4:04 PM.  I was sitting in front of my trusty Acer composing my next blog post: I swear by my tattoo – Part Three, an analysis of the Biagi email and data dump/leak. 

Suddenly, I received notification of an incoming email. 

It was from Rick Biagi, Commissioner and Vice President of the Park Ridge Park District Board.  The last time I received a direct communication from Mr. Biagi, it was his email/data dump/leak, referenced above. 

Note: Mr. Biagi’s email arrived an hour or so after I posted: For those who wonder, I do have a life beyond this Blog!, where I announced my intention to continue the “tattoo” series.

Observations & Questions

What I found noteworthy about the email, was not Mr. Biagi’s passionate defense of his wife’s alleged experiences of being denied access to bathroom facilities at the Senior Center, but the people being copied: [Board President] Mary Wynn Ryan, [PRPD Executive Director] Gayle Mountcastle and [Boards Attorney], Tom Hoffman.  My […]. 

Biagi EMail Cc - 01-23-2012

40 Minutes later I received an email addressed to Rick Biagi and myself, from Park Ridge Park District Board President, Ms. Mary Wynn-Ryan.  Copies of her email were also sent to: [PRPD Executive Director] Gayle Mountcastle and [Boards Attorney], Tom Hoffman. 

Wynn-Ryan EMail Cc - 01-23-2012

The emails, in my opinion, were clearly personal in nature.  I think you’ll agree.  And the senders, in my opinion, were clearly representing themselves as individuals to me and to one another.  No where do they purport to be speaking for the Board.

So why include copies to Attorney Hoffman or to the Executive Director, Mountcastle when the discussion was clearly not OFFICIAL Park Ridge Park District business? 

Very odd!  Go figure!

So, what to do?

Well, there was only one thing to do.  Clearly, Mr. Biagi and Ms. Wynn-Ryan wanted me to publish their emails, otherwise they wouldn’t have sent them to me.  

So, I requested permission for publication from each author and as you can see, the email dialogue files titled “Credibility” between Mr. Biagi, Ms. Wynn-Ryan and myself, are attached as PDF/Flash File components to this post.

Observation: Quite frankly, I believe Mr. Biagi and Ms. Wynn-Ryan should have shared this (new?) vital background information with all of us over a year ago.  Had they done so, I think their fellow Board Members, their friends, family, supporters, the newspapers and the public at large, including currently offended Senior Center Members, would have viewed their claims as old petty irrelevancies.

And by so doing, Mr. Biagi and Ms. Wynn-Ryan wouldn’t have caused the ensuing Board/Senior Center turmoil.

The Emails

The first file displayed is the request for permission to print their individual acceptance and proviso statements.  The remaining two are the original emails, my initial response and their accompanying answers. 

Note: To properly read these files, go to the end of the email-string to read the first email.  Then, work your way up the file email-by-email.

Biagi - Wynn-Ryan Acceptance Emails

Biagi's Credibility Email - 01-24-2012

Note: Mr. Biagi’s “Credibility” email, referenced to statements appearing on my blog post: Restroom-gate continued – Park Ridge Park District says NO lists of formal complaints of complainers exist! 

Wynn-Ryan Credibility Email Response - 01-25-2012

Well there you have it.  Make of these emails what you wish!  In the mean time, I have some blog site house keeping chores to perform.

Mea culpa!

Obviously, I am at fault for the email-to-email situation that led to this post by not clearly laying out ground rules for those wishing to participate at this site.  So, here are the ground rules for future communication with this site as of 01/25/2012.


I have placed an email address: at the disposal of my readers.  I would appreciate all further emails be addressed there.  I look once or twice a day.  Emails are not a substitute for comments! 


Comments are made to the blog via the comment box provided.  A help page is available should you need it.

Requesting The Publication Of An Open Letter

Readers can request an Open Letter either via a comment that will not be uploaded or as an email addressed to:

Note: A return email address will be required as coordination on our parts will be necessary.

Leaking Documents Or Other Information

Leaked information or documents (always welcome) can be sent on or attached to an email sent to:

As always, it’s just my opinion.

Monday, January 23, 2012

For those who wonder, I do have a life beyond this Blog!

Dear Readers and Commenter’s,

Forgive me for not getting back to your comments more quickly.  I took some time away from blogging this past weekend to enjoy life!  And you know what?  I had so much fun think I’ll do the same thing next weekend.

Today, as you can clearly see, I’m back to the grindstone.  This morning was taken up  writing my next post: I swear by my tattoo – Part Three, an analysis of the Biagi email.

I expect to have that uploaded quite soon.

Further, as you’ve noticed by now, I recently uploaded a rather extensive comment by Park Ridge’s own Park Ridge Underground. Of course, I intend to respond to those remarks, measure for measure. Problem is; my response will be rather long and I’m not yet sure where my reply should reside; the comment section or as a new post.

Anyway, decision time soon! So stay tuned.

Lastly, there are still comments from recent posts needing my response. I intend to fulfill that obligation while all the rest is going on. The posts involved are: I swear by my tattoo – Part’s One and Two and Is this PRPD’s next Senior Centered Idea?

Lots to do, so I best get on with it!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is this PRPD’s next “Senior Centered” idea?

Seniors on Bus

“To help save the economy, the Government will announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs.

Older people are easier to catch and will not remember how to get back home.”

Only a joke!

For now, those words are just a joke running on the internet, but by next month, the way things are going south for the seniors, and with Board Leaders actively going after and counting on the disputed $300,000+ Kemnitz bequest, who knows?

When is enough, enough?

It is my understanding a General Board Meeting will be held tomorrow night, January 19th.  There, a Board Member, maybe Mr. Biagi himself, is expected to propose adding the $300,000+ Kemnitz bequest to their apparently underfunded  budget. 

The Kemnitz bequest money are dollars presently in the hands of Senior Services, Inc., the legal and financial arm of the Senior Center Membership.  The bequest was made to the Park Ridge Senior Center, then run by SSI and not to the Park Ridge Park District prior to the end of the PRPD/SSI contract and well before the Boards takeover of the Senior Center in January 2011.   The PRPD Board and their attorney appear to believe the mere name on the front of the building and the fact that (former employee) Ms. Grodsky was made Trustee, automatically entitles them to the cash. It appears at this time, the Park Ridge Park District Board fully intends to wrench these funds from the Seniors – this year! 

To date, as I understand it, the Boards attorney has been in contact with the Kemnitz Trust attorney, and has verbally advised the Trust of the District’s claim of ownership, effectively  freezing the dollars until a judgment is rendered.  Now I know, what I’m about to say will anger some of my Senior readers, but fair is fair.  I might not like the outcome, but in all fairness, if in fact what I understood to have happened actually happened, I must give Mr. Hoffman kudos for a very slick strategic move. 

One call – no paper trail – full deniability!

So, the District currently does not yet have, and in my opinion, has no more than a 50/50 chance of obtaining these monies in 2012 – if ever.  Therefore, I believe it unwise for the Board to accept the change at this time.  An adjustment to the budget can always be made should the District prevail in their efforts. 

The View Counter

The view counter has just passed the 10,200 view mark.  In my opinion, that’s 10,165 more views than this pathetic, year-long, Board-created and Board-perpetuated saga should have ever generated!  Board’s forced retirement of Ms. Grodsky and Mr. Biagi’s recent adventure in document leaking, added almost 4,000 additional views to this site over the last six or so weeks alone.   

Never wake up a sleeping dog!

On December 29th, I wrote: Seniors - Stay Young at Heart!  That was to be my swan song.  A month earlier, I wrote: The end is nigh!

The truth was, the PRPD/SSI/Senior Center episode was over. Biagi, Wynn-Ryan and Steve Hunst got their “clubhouse” back and removed their last strategic obstacle, Ms. Grodsky. 

The Issue Was Dead

In short, the issue was dead, the wake was held, the funeral was over and only the grieving remained.  But guess what?  Mr. Biagi, not content to bask in the glory of his victory, waited until the day of the memorial service (Grodsky’s Going-Away Party) to deliver his coup de grâce by hanging out the District's "dirty little secrets".

It should have been clear by reading the afore mentioned posts, even to the the most intellectually tone-deaf PRPD Board Leader, that I considered their Park Ridge Senior Center fiasco mute.  No additional actions on my part were necessary.  It was over!   Well, not now.  And this rudely reawakened dog is not in the mood to play fetch!  


If I might quote, (out of context), from one of the emails I recently received over the last few weeks discussing the Gradsky/Vile/Biagi matter.  The statement originated from a local celeb who wishes to remain Anonymous. Quote:

Finally, on to Mr. Biagi.  His actions can only be described as honorably intended.” 


For the record, my anonymous friend did not feel the same way about the actions of Ms. Grodsky or Mr. Vile; that is, my friend saw their actions as “indefensible” or as I take it, their motives and actions were not honorable or lacked good intentions. 

But honorable intentions or indefensible actions by what standards? 

Of course, we all know about good intentions and we’ve all walked on pavements; haven’t  we?   So, maybe, based on my anonymous friend’s quote, I should just title my next series of posts: “Well, welcome to their road to hell!” 

As always, it’s just my opinion!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I swear by my tattoo – Part Two

A few of days ago I posted: I swear by my tattoo – Part One.  I based that post on emails and supporting documents sent to me by PRPD Board Commissioner Rick Biagi, alleging misconduct, disloyalty and betrayal by a highly and nationally respected award winning professional, PRPD’s own 2009 Employee of the Year, recently retired Senior Center Manager, Teresa Grodsky and fellow Park District Commissioner Dr. Stephen Vile, a highly thought of member of the Park Ridge community. 

Every time I think about this story I’m reminded of a 1958 movie with José Ferrer, “I Accuse!”  It’s a story of dishonor, alleged disloyalty, personal destruction, and betrayal.  All the qualities and attributes associated with this ongoing story.   Found this at Turner Classic Network.  Enjoy the clip!

I Accuse!



The famous "Dreyfus Case" where a Jewish captain in the French Army is falsely accused of treason. He is sentenced to imprisonment on Devil's Island. When the real traitor is found the French Army tries to hide the truth. Written by Steve Crook <>

More about Capt. Alfred Dreyfus and the Dreyfus Affair.

The Accused

Teresa Grodsky

Story Image

A recent summary from Pioneer Press:

Park Ridge Senior Center Manager Plans Own Retirement

Additional Grodsky Information

Wave of the Future is Gray

Gradsky - Award - 1994

Illinois Delegation Receives Top Awards at the 1995 Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Congress

Goin' Back to Nashville

IPO 2008 Conference

 Dr. Steven Vile

Dr. Stephen Vile Web Site

PRPD Board Vice President and Fellow Document Leaker

Mr. Rick Biagi

Rick Biagi, Vice President
Park Ridge Park District, Park Board Commissioner

Richard B. Biagi - Employment History

Additional Biagi Information

Knights of Columbus - Maria Council - 4836

“Public Prayer At Work” – Rick Biagi - Video

Note: I will attempt to provide additional internet based background information on others as needed.

As always, it’s just my opinion.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I’m sorry!

I was having coffee at Micky D’s this morning with a couple of friends.  We were discussing the new show playing at the Park Ridge Park District’s Maine Park Leisure Center on West Sibley Ave.; the latest adaptation of: “Park District Follies”, when Frank chastised me for using profanity on this site.  He reminded me that in the past I’ve always “kept it clean”.

So here my friends is my apology to Frank and to those of you who were similarly offended.

I, Kenneth Butterly was wrong to use “shit”.  I was wrong not to work harder to find an alternative way to express myself other than relying on my meager and pathetic vocabulary.  In the future, I will do my utmost not to let that kind of crap, dung, muck, droppings, etc. happen again!

Thank you!

As always, it’s just my opinion.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I swear by my tattoo – Part One

Just when I thought it was over! 

Just when I thought I could finally leave the cold weather for some well deserved sailing in the warm climes of SW Florida; just when I thought it was safe to turn off my computer, I received this email from Park Ridge Board Vice President,  Rick Biagi:

Rick Biagi - Email 01-03-2012

Note: I decided to reformat and present the contents of the email in the manner below for easier reading.

Body of Email

“My name is Rick Biagi and I currently serve as the Vice President of the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District, Board of Commissioners.  I was elected by the taxpayers of Park Ridge to serve as a Commissioner in 2009.  My current term ends in 2013.  I am speaking in my capacity as one elected Commissioner and in no way represent or warrant that my statements are those of the entire Board of Commissioners.

For the better part of the last eighteen months, I have witnessed a situation involving the Park Ridge Senior Center spiral completely out of control, for reasons that have totally evaded me up until November of 2011.  I have been subjected to personal attacks by members of the Park Ridge Senior Center as has my wife.  My character and credibility has been brought into question by these same people, as has the character and credibility of some of my fellow elected Commissioners and certain members of the staff.  I have seen false accusations hurled at elected officials and staff of the Park District by members of the Senior Center and the Board of Senior Services, Inc. and I have seen vicious rumors and lies promulgated by these same individuals.  In recent days, I have been informed of a vicious verbal assault on a member of the Park District management as well, in which a police report was apparently filed.

In good conscience, I can no longer stand by quietly and allow these rumors, lies and ad hominem attacks continue, without setting the record straight, once and for all.

In the following, I will attempt to address a number of the false accusations, rumors and/or outright lies that were promulgated, with facts that I can personally attest to in my capacity as an elected official.  Moreover, I intend to discuss the substance of this communication with the entire Board at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Thursday, January 5, 2012.


  • Q. Was Teresa Grodsky fired?
  • A.  No, she tendered her resignation to Executive Director Gayle Mountcastle
  • Q.  Did the Executive Director induce Teresa Grodsky to retire?
  • A.  Yes, to the extent that Ms. Grodsky was made aware of certain issues relating to her performance and was strongly encouraged to retire in light of the alleged transgressions.
  • Q.  Was a formal termination of Ms. Grodsky being considered by the Executive Director?
  • A.  Yes
  • Q.  Why was formal termination of Ms. Grodsky being considered?
  • A.  In the autumn of 2011, it came to the attention of the Executive Director and the District’s Attorney that confidential communications between and among members of the Park Board, its Executive Director and/or its Legal Counsel were being given by Commissioner Steven Vile to Teresa Grodsky and other members of the Senior Services Inc. (SSI) Board.  Some of those communications were covered by the attorney-client privilege.  All of the communications dealt with internal policy discussions and/or legal strategy as it related to the ongoing operation of the Senior Center and/or the negotiations between the Board, the PRRPD and SSI. 

The emails also revealed that Ms. Grodsky, Commissioner Vile and certain members of the SSI Board and at least one of their legal counsel were actively sharing and commenting on the privileged and confidential communications from the Board/PRRPD and/or the Park District attorney.  It is my understanding that Ms. Grodsky was questioned in detail by the Executive Director regarding her participation in these actions and that, following the advice of the District's Legal Counsel as well as the counsel for the District’s insurer (PDRMA), the Executive Director would seek Ms. Grodsky’s agreement to retire.  At no time during these initial investigations or consultations with Legal Counsel was the Board, en banc,  apprised of the situation.  It was not until the November Board meeting that the Board was consulted in closed session, with Counsel for the District and PDRMA present.  Copies of all relevant emails are being forwarded to the Park Ridge Herald Advocate and the Park Ridge Journal-Topics newspapers.

Q.  Prior to October/November 2011, was there any indication that the Executive Director or other staff wanted to terminate Ms. Grodsky for cause or for any other reason.

A.  No.

Q.  Was Ms. Grodsky given compensation in return for her agreement to retire/resign.

A.  It was agreed that she would be able to continue to be employed by the PRRPD until January 1, 2012, in order to achieve certain employment time periods related to pension calculations.  When Ms. Grodsky signed the Supplemental Severance Agreement on 1/2/2012, she was entitled to get 4 weeks vacation time and 4 personal days, which will take her through 2/6/12 and from then until 3/30/2012  she will receive $11,065.40 in pay; she has acknowledged that this is more money, compensation and benefits than she would be entitled to receive from the Park District otherwise.  As of 1/2/2012, she has been placed on personal leave and will perform no further work for the District.

Q.  Was there a concerted effort by the Board to have Ms. Grodsky induced to retire?

A.  No.  There were several individual Commissioners who did not oppose losing her as an employee. However, the hiring/firing of employees other than the Executive Director is generally not a Board matter.  It would, in my opinion, take the action of the entire Board in open session to vote affirmatively to direct the Executive Director to  terminate the employment of a particular employee; however, such a direction is not necessary, as the Executive Director has the power and authority to hire, fire, or otherwise negotiate (within certain limits) the termination or departure from employment of any subordinate employee when warranted.  During my tenure the Board has never instructed the Executive Director to terminate an employee.

Q.  Was the Board briefed in closed session on the circumstances surrounding Ms. Grodsky’s departure?

A.  Yes

Q.  Did the Board take any action related to Ms. Grodsky following those closed session discussions?

A.  No.

Q.  At any time did the Board instruct the Executive Director or any other staff member to close the Senior Center?

A.  No.

Q.  Did the issue of the Betty Kemnitz trust/bequest have anything at all to do with Ms. Grodsky’s departure?

A.  No.

Q.  Is the Board and/or the PRRPD District involved in any legal action regarding the Betty Kemnitz trust/bequest?

A.  The Park District Attorney has been informed by the attorney for the trustee of the Kemnitz Trust that he will be filing such a lawsuit imminently for the purpose of having a court determination made as to the rightful recipient of the approximately $335,000 bequest to the Senior Center. It is anticipated that the Illinois Attorney General's office will be a party to the lawsuit, as overseer of charitable foundations and the like.

Q.  Did Commissioner Vile have the authority to share attorney-client privileged documents with the SSI Board and/or Ms. Grodsky?

A.  No, and by doing so, Commissioner Vile not only arguably waived the privilege, without authorization, belonging to the Board and the Park District but he also waived the privilege belonging to 38,000 taxpayers.

Q.  Is the Park District and the Board committed to maintaining vibrant programming and socializing activities for seniors at 100 S. Western?

A.  Yes.


Rick Biagi

Neal & McDevitt, LLC
Intellectual Property and Marketing Attorneys
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Northfield, Illinois 60093
Direct: 847.881.2455
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Thank You.”

As you can see, the only thing missing from Board Vice President Biagi’s email is: It’s all true – I swear by my tattoo!

Mr. Biagi thought it important to support his assertion of betrayal with this data dump.

Godsky.vile.SSI Email Communications

Note: I took a quick review of the file and noticed that documents I would have expected to see were missing.  No problem though, that’s what the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is for.

A couple of observations if you will:

  • It (Battle for Senior Center) was over!  
  • Mr. Biagi and Ms. Wynn-Ryan got their “clubhouse” back. 
  • Ms. Grodsky was removed.
  • The Senior Center has been under complete control of the Park District and its Board since January 2011. 
  • Seniors, although dejected and unhappy, were coming to grips with the new situation. 
  • Things were calming down. 

It was over and now it’s not!

Apparently, these “successes” were not enough to overcome Mr. Biagi’s upset. 

And by the way, in my opinion, anyone believing that the creation of these emails were a “loose canon” exercise by a overly distraught attorney and seasoned Park District Board VP, is kidding themselves.  I talked to a couple of people today who know Mr. Biagi.  None of them considered him a “loose canon”. 

In the end, Mr. Biagi told us what we needed to know about this story or at least why the data was exposed at this time:

“Q.  Is the Board and/or the PRRPD District involved in any legal action regarding the Betty Kemnitz trust/bequest?

A.  The Park District Attorney has been informed by the attorney for the trustee of the Kemnitz Trust that he will be filing such a lawsuit imminently for the purpose of having a court determination made as to the rightful recipient of the approximately $335,000 bequest to the Senior Center. It is anticipated that the Illinois Attorney General's office will be a party to the lawsuit, as overseer of charitable foundations and the like.”

Where do things go from here?

Over the next few weeks we will be reviewing these documents and putting them in context.  The story of the PRPD Senior Center is about money and power.  It’s about people in power and those who are not.  And it is the human side of the story that interests me and that’s where I hope to focus.

And just so I might clear up a couple questions up front, and so that I might state my bias precisely, let me restate in public for the umpteenth time, my position in this matter.

  • I do not care if there is a Park Ridge Senior Center.
  • I do not care if there is a contract.
  • I do not care if there is a Park Ridge Park District for that matter.
  • I do however, care how tax-paying citizens (senior or not), are treated by their elected officials. And Senior Center members are tax-paying Senior Citizens who have been in my opinion, treated miserably in this affair.

In the end, in spite of the public diversion that will take place because of  the document dump presented by Mr. Biagi, we will all quickly come to the conclusion that it’s all about the old Seniors Center regime.  First, the reacquisition of the “clubhouse” and second, relieving the regime of it’s trust money.

So I guess I’m not going sailing for a while!

Gee, thanks Rick!

As always, it’s just my opinion.