Thursday, April 28, 2011

Open Letter from Ms. Helen Roppel….

Member - Park Ridge Senior Center Senate

Over the past 30 years, the Senior Center and the Park Board have had an agreement with respect to the relationship between the two entities, thereby setting the framework for, among other things, the payments made to the Park District, by Senior Services. As discussed on this blog, the 2011 agreement remains unsigned and a worthless “Resolution” has been signed in its place. To my dismay, the senior center membership has been vilified, denigrated, said to have “entitlement mentalities”, and portrayed as, “I’m old, give me stuff” in some forums and by some non-senior residents. Seniors only wish that the Park Board would consider spending just a fraction of the revenue they spend on children, on its senior citizens.

I don’t believe that the Park Board realizes that the Senior Center is a “home”, not a “club house”, to its members. In many cases, they have outlived many of their family and friends. It provides an environment where they can feel vital and appreciated. Knowing that the park board can, at its discretion, as provided in the language of the “Resolution”, close this “home”, leaves the membership feeling betrayed and deserted by the Board, after spending most of their lives and paying taxes in this community.

Perhaps the following poignantly drafted Letters to the Editor, of the New York Times, will enlighten them on the need to make their seniors feel they won’t be thrown to the wolves and the humanity required when making decisions regarding the fair distribution of Park District funds: 

To The Editor:

Re: “Alone, Together” (News article, March 27):

I am 92 years old and widowed, and going to my senior center is vital to my day-to-day life because it helps me have a life! Other people my age need conversation with people. We need something to do other than watching TV, because sometimes we can’t see very well or hear very well and we need to speak with someone face to face.

If I were to stay home, my life would be full of dull moments and I wouldn’t be able to speak what’s on my mind. It’s very important to keep connected, and my senior center is the place that allows me to keep connected with old friends and new friends.

Dorothy McCann

New York, March 28, 2011

To The Editor:

Your poignant article captured the importance that senior centers play in the lives of thousands of older New Yorkers. The need for friendship and a peer community is basic to our humanity throughout life, at 5, 65 or 95.

For the elderly who have experienced much loss and whose world has gotten smaller, their local senior center becomes central to daily living. To thrive in old age in New York City, neighborhoods must be truly age-friendly. Nothing is more age-friendly, than neighborhood-based senior centers.

Public dollars are wisely spent ensuring that senior centers thrive, allowing New Yorkers to grow old in their community with dignity.

Igal Jellinek & Bobbi Sackman

New York, March 28, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Goings-On At Area Senior Centers….

For months I have attempted to persuade Park Ridge Park Board Members to treat the jointly-developed PRPD/SSI  Senior Center proposal, their authors and the citizens they represent with respect; to openly discuss the document and to quickly vote it UP or DOWN.  

To date, I have been unsuccessful.  Instead of tackling this problem head-on, the Board, for political reasons (read elections), chose to replace the proposed agreement with, in my opinion, a sorry, unenforceable substitute; a “resolution”.

For months I have suggested to my fellow Senior’s; should the  PRPD Board fail to do its duty, consider “removing this problem” from their midst and seek a new relationship or new relationships, something better suited to our needs.  For those remarks, I have been poo-pooed by some of my readers.  All’s fair in love, war and politics.  Yes?  Well, poo-poo all you wish; some of us are actively reviewing the situation.

In the end of course, we might not find a willing or suitable partner.  In that case, we will have to make-due, bide our time and wait to see what this feckless Board means when it’s members write or say, as in the case of Ms. Wynn Ryan: “You know my position on senior programming and services -- we need more, and that's the Park District's mandate and promise, which does NOT depend on any deal with the fundraising foundation.

What did that resolution say again?

image image 

I call your attention to page (1&2) paragraph (7) which reads:



I now call your attention to page (2) paragraph (2) which reads:


 Finally, I call your attention to page (2) paragraph (3) which reads:


Fear Of The Unknown

The driving force behind the Senior’s need for a contract is their fear of uncontrolled change and, especially since January, their fear of perfidy.  For arguments sake, lets just call it, fear of the unknown.  Not one part of PRPD’s “resolution”, as I read it, removes that fear.

Knowledge Enters – Fear Recedes

In order to help Park Ridge Senior’s better understand their neighbor facilities and to lessen their continuing fear of diminishing services or abandonment, I thought it might be helpful to add a little more knowledge to ease their concern.  I thought it might be helpful to let them know that there are other places to go and things to do should it become necessary.

Current Membership Fee Schedule

                                 Description / Location

Park Ridge

Niles Center

Maine Twnshp

Frisbie  Center

Non-Resident Members





Membership Fees - $$
Single - Resident
Married – Resident
Single – Non-Resident
Married – Non-Resident





Miles from PRPDSC  




Time from PRPDSC - Min  




Note: Niles and MainStreamers do not presently allow for non-resident membership.  Frisbie does allow for non-resident membership but does not charge a different rate.

Goings-On by Senior Center

Click on Senior Center Name to go to their website!

Niles Senior Center
MaineStreamers (Maine Township)
Frisbe Senior Center (Des Plaines)
Park Ridge Senior Center

In the end of course, it will ultimately be up to the Park Ridge Park District Board to bring a joyous ending to their self-made predicament and the self-made problems they’ve created.

Of course, as always, it’s just my opinion!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Has anyone seen Mary Wynn Ryan? – Day (24) - Updated 05/09/2011

Has anyone at the Park Ridge Senior Center seen Ms. Wynn Ryan? 

Word around the center is that this recently reelected Board veteran has been invited, (multiple times) by Senior Center Leadership and Center’s staff to join some of her “constituentson site to view first hand how the center actually works, the activities provided and services performed. 

Now I don’t know the actual date of the original invite, but for my purpose, the invite date is today: April 14, 2011, and this invitation includes all Board Members. 

Board Member

Days Missing





Wynn Ryan


















How many days do you think it will take for the entire Board to meet with their Senior Center staff and members?

Note: #1: NA = Already showed up.  Is a member of the Senior Center.

Note: #2: Any PRSC Member, staff-person can inform me of a Board Members presence at the center.  Upon receipt, by email, I will stop the clock!

Monday, April 11, 2011

It is time to go! - Updated

When I first started writing about the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center issue, I mistakenly thought that I would see a fair and equitable outcome by this time.  I mean, this is Park Ridge.  I was naïve!  I was wrong!

I base my conclusion on Board Meeting Minute history and a Board Member Comment to a Senior constituent.

PRPD Commissioner Mary Wynn Ryan Email To Barb

“… Hi, Barbara -- just heard that the event this evening is from 6:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., firm (the Library closes at 9). I thought it was 7 to 9 p.m. Maybe it's my misunderstanding but I thought you'd want to know.

Also, what is going on with Helen Roppel? I have never spoken with her in my life. What are these "widely rumored comments" she is accusing me of? You know my position on senior programming and services -- we need more, and that's the Park District's mandate and promise, which does NOT depend on any deal with the fundraising foundation. (In fact, I'd like to have Senior Senate play a bigger role. But that's just me.)

I will be there tonight, but I sure hope you can pass the word that I am not the bad guy. In fact, anyone who votes for anyone else in hopes that the old deal will come back is going to be disappointed. No one except Steven Vile is in favor of it. But everyone is in favor of more productive and enrolling senior programming to reduce the deficit, and that's a fact!

See you tonight.



When I first started writing about the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center issue, I mistakenly thought the Senior’s were dealing with a Board made up of mature and astute men and women of reasonably-high moral character.  I mean, this is Park Ridge.   I was naïve!  I was wrong!

I base my conclusion on the Boards unwillingness to discuss and vote UP or DOWN, the taxpayer-paid, board sanctioned, jointly-developed proposal, in spite it being on the Board Agenda twice so far this year.  Instead, we are  entertained by the reading and passage of an un-discussed “resolution”.

Proposed PRPD/SSI Agreement Vs. Unsolicited Resolution

Joint PRPD/SSI Agreement

PRPD Board (Packet) Published - Resolution


When I first started writing about the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center issue, I  thought all Park Ridge non-senior citizens tolerant.  I mean, this is Park Ridge. I was naïve! I was wrong!

I base this on prior and current blog postings and “comments” by a former Park Ridge Park District Commissioner and local blogger and by some of his readers.

In my opinion, his Park Ridge Public Watchdog site is, as of late, starting to reek of anti-senior hostility, or at least Senior Center Member hostility.  The last three or four posts especially.

PR Public Watchdog Blog Posting Titles

Date Published

Winners, Voters and Suckers


Time for a Senior Center Reality  Check


“Misinformers” Getting Park District’s Goat


“Sharks” vs “Jets” – Who Ya Got?


                  Click on Blue Title to go to Posts and Comments.

Board Betting on Seniors Staying – No Matter What!

The Boards current no-response strategy is based, I believe, on their belief, that in the end, current Senior Center Members will stay and like it, no matter what.  After all, this Board is resolved.  The Board presently believes that current members are afraid to leave that space, with all that that departure entails. 

The Board believes they’ve got Senior Center Members by their old gray feathers!

Maybe it’s time for Senior Center Members to take flight and peck Park Ridge’s Park District goodbye!  Maybe its time to find a new home or create one; a better facility with with an enlightened partner less hostile to current Senior Center Member needs!

Maybe Mr. Trizna and his friends on the Board will finally respect us, not for fighting for a open discussion and the  UP or DOWN vote we deserve, but for the courage and smarts to walk away from a bad relationship. 

Maybe, they’ll even miss us. Na!

I’m sure, the ever resourceful members at the Public Watchdog team will find a way to help PRPD’s Board keep their “commitment” to Park Ridge’s remaining senior’s per the Board’s recently passed “resolution”.  I mean, based on Mr. Trizna’s 12/01/2010 post, charging Senior’s “…. dues of $225/year (about 60 cents a day)….” should make things work just right.

I can read the headline now:

Seniors Get Out of Town; Solve Park Ridge Park District Budget Problems!

Well, now that I have been released from recent stress caused by those initial misconceptions and false ideas, I feel so much better. 

Fellow Senior’s, once you’re released, so will you.

Of course, it’s only my opinion!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First look….

Well, as you can see, no one showed up to “my party”. I’m sure some in the audience see it as “my comeupance”. I can’t blame them for that.

In truth, the post was a last minute idea and no one involved in its creation expected more than one commitment, if we were lucky. By the way, I backed Butler, so it was a bad night all around.

Although one might think the post a complete failure, I do not. Phone calls were made. Emails were sent with none undelivered. There is a lot to be learned from silence. Based on calls received today, that silence did not go unnoticed.

I’ve just heard that the quartet of Hunst, O’Brien, Thillens and Wynn Ryan were declared the winners. So, for the most part, Board leadership and direction will remain the same.

To the loosing candidates, you did your best. To the winners, well done!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Down to the wire…. - Updated - Sorry No Takers!

Well, we’re down to the wire. Tomorrow is the big day. Within 48 hours Park Ridge Senior’s will know the makeup of the new Park Ridge Park District Board.

The question still outstanding is, the future of the jointly developed contract proposal.

Who stands with the Senior’s?  Who will commit to an up or down vote on this item by May 31, 2011?

We’ve heard a lot lately from local newspapers, commenter’s at this site and from other local bloggers, about the dreaded HUN SEIU back candidates. I for one do not possess this fear – yet!

But I am me and you are you. What is your SEIU-Fear tolerance?

Then there are those who fear a return of the INCUMBENT candidates. Where do they really stand on this vital subject? What is your INCUMBENT-Fear tolerance?

For Senior Center Members, this is a dilemma.

Should they back O’Brian and Mary Winn Ryan in spite of their contract-intransigence or should they “go to the dark side” and vote for those other guys, believing things couldn’t get much worse?

The issue driving Senior Center Member angst, is the currently-buried jointly developed contract proposal.

I was thinking. What would happen if PRPD’s current board members (as independent citizens) and future board members candidates committed by email addressed to this site, their pledge to vote UP or DOWN on the currently proposed, jointly developed contract proposal. What an interesting last minute twist that would be to this contest.

I can’t guarantee one changed vote to any candidate based on this post, but I say this, there are enough Senior’s and others looking at this site to possibly make a difference to one or more of you.

So here we go.

The Rules

Listed below are the names of current PRPD Board Commissioners followed by the names of remaining PRPD Board Commissioner Candidates.

Those parties listed below wishing to publically pledge their commitment (word of honor) to vote (no ifs, no ands, no buts)  UP or DOWN on the jointly developed contract proposal by May 31, 2011 can email me at  I will keep this pledge posting open until 10PM CDST.  Then, sometime shortly after 10PM, I will update the blog one last time.

No pledge posted in the “comment” section attached to this post will be accepted.

Board Member or Candidate Names


Jim O'Brien, President


Rick Biagi, Vice President


David Herman, Treasurer


Stephen Vile, Secretary


Richard Brandt - SEIU


Mary Wynn Ryan


Nicholas Giordano – SEIU


Peter Wachowski - SEIU


Kristen Mattes - SEIU


Mel Thillens


Steve Hunst – Unopposed


What do they have to loose?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Let me answer Ms. Wynn Ryan….

Comment to: Open Letter to My Fellow Senior Center Members – 03/31/2011 

Mr. Butterly:

Were we at the same meeting?

I guess I didn't say it often or loudly enough: Park Ridge residents who are seniors can continue to depend on a variety of programs, events and activities from the Park District because that's an important part of why there even is a RECREATION and Park District.

Virtually every point you make here is, at best, a misunderstanding of my intention, and at worst, is actively inaccurate. I could take an hour and attempt to clear each of them, but after nearly three hours the other night standing up there explaining everything with my heart on the line, I truly don't know what more I could say that would convince you. Your mind is made up.

So I guess I'll just say it one more time: No matter who wins or loses in the upcoming election, the Park District WILL be providing programming for seniors. 

Thank you for this forum.

Ms. Mary Wynn Ryan, April 1, 2011 1:24 PM

My response…

Ms. Wynn Ryan,

We did indeed attend the same meeting and no additional repetition in message or increase in volume will change what I and others Senior’s who attended that meeting think. I or should I say we, as I’ve discussed the meeting and your subsequent blog “comment” with various Senior’s who attended the meeting, believe the message delivered does not match the Board’s recent actions. I’m referring of course to the current Senior Center problem.

Your Board continues to act as if this dilemma were purely a misunderstanding on the part of the Senior’s and if only Board members continue to repeat the mantra, the Senior’s will be mollified and the problem will go away.

You say that Senior’s shouldn’t worry; that they can depend on PRPD’s mandate, they can depend on PRPD’s good intentions and the Board’s word.

Senior’s know that PRPD has a mandate to serve all Park Ridge residents. So what else is new?  It’s not like they were born yesterday.  They’ve heard the Boards good intentions. They’re nice intentions. The resolution was well crafted.  The problem revolves around their believing in the Board’s word, its bond.

Ms. Wynn Ryan, actions speak louder than words. So, look at a little history.

A little history.

Board Minutes without mention of Senior Center or SSI Contract.

Jan. 07, 2010 Jan. 21, 2010 Feb. 18, 2010
Mar. 04, 2010 Mar. 18, 2010 Apr. 01, 2010
Apr. 15, 2010 May  06, 2010 May  20, 2010
Jun. 03, 2010 Jun. 17, 2010 Jul. 05, 2010
Aug. 05, 2010 Aug. 19, 2010 Sep.16, 2010
Nov. 18,2010 Dec. 29, 2010 Jan. 13, 2011
Jan. 26, 2011 Feb. 03, 2011  

Board Minute Extracts where the Senior Center or SSI Contract is discussed.

First there was Mr. “O”’s concern!



Sep. 09, 2010

That led to Senior’s concern!

-Approved 11/18/2010-
Park Ridge Recreation and Park District
Board of Park Commissioners
Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 W. Sibley Avenue
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Citizens Present Wishing To Address The Board On Non-Agenda Items

“Numerous senior citizens addressed concerns about rumored changes to the Senior Center. They spoke of the importance of the Senior Center and objected to any changes in the building’s name. Commissioner Biagi stated that the Board has never entertained the notion of closing the Senior Center and they are pleased with the Senior Center programs. He stressed the importance of coming up with ideas to lower subsidy. Executive Director Ochromowicz stated that the Senior Center’s subsidy is increasing by more than $20,000 a year; approaching $190,000 in 2010; and that increasing subsidy can’t continue. He asked for the names of those who spread misinformation so he can speak with them. Commissioners thanked the audience members for their comments and for attending the meeting.”

Oct. 21, 2010

That led to an agreement!

Approved 11/18/2010-
Park Ridge Recreation and Park District
Board of Park Commissioners
Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 W. Sibley Avenue
Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Business

“Executive Director Ochromowicz summarized the terms and conditions for an agreement between the Senior Services and the Park District: the agreement will no longer be a lease agreement and the building will be recognized as the Districts and will be useable for other programs and services; the contract will be for two years instead of three; Senior Services would pay the Park District not less than $60,000 per year divided into
four equal quarterly payments; should the Senior Services secure funding from the city, township, grant or other source, the payment would increase in 2012 to an amount to be negotiated by August 15, 2011; the District will make up the difference by recouping the expenses to operate the building (salaries, maintenance and repairs) by programming and renting the building not to interfere with scheduled senior activities; and Senior Services would be required to provide the District with Directors and Officers Liability Coverage and Fidelity and Theft.
Superintendent Knouse said the terms and conditions have been sent to Senior Services representatives for their review. Executive Director Ochromowicz said the District will need to generate an additional $70,000 through program net and rental of the facility. A lengthy discussion ensued on the current and proposed agreement; subsidy; Senior Services payment; programming; staffing; the cost and burden to the District. Several Commissioners expressed disappointment with the proposed terms and conditions. Executive Director Ochromowicz said staff will go back to the drawing board.”

Nov. 04, 2010

Agreement reaches final stages!                                  



Dec. 16, 2010

First deferral – two board members missing!


Jan. 12, 2011

Second deferral – need new Executive Director’s involvement!  


Jan. 20 2011

The Resolution! 


Feb. 17, 2011

Note: On January 20th, the Board’s attorney agreed that missing two Commissioner’s was enough to keep the Board from taking a five member vote on an agreement that had been in the hands of the Board for several weeks.  Did the Board’s attorney not see the irony in the Board’s passage on February 17th, of an unsolicited resolution; a document delivered a day or two earlier, a document not discussed or previously reviewed at a prior public meeting,; a document then proposed, challenged by one Commissioner and passed by only four Board Members in spite of two Commissioner’s being absent?

So where’s the proposed contract now?

What contract?

The only thing missing from this Hogan’s Heroesque charade is Sgt.Schultz’s statement: “I knowwwww nothhhhhingggg”.

Sorry kiddo, I just didn’t believe you.  And neither did they!