Saturday, April 16, 2011

Goings-On At Area Senior Centers….

For months I have attempted to persuade Park Ridge Park Board Members to treat the jointly-developed PRPD/SSI  Senior Center proposal, their authors and the citizens they represent with respect; to openly discuss the document and to quickly vote it UP or DOWN.  

To date, I have been unsuccessful.  Instead of tackling this problem head-on, the Board, for political reasons (read elections), chose to replace the proposed agreement with, in my opinion, a sorry, unenforceable substitute; a “resolution”.

For months I have suggested to my fellow Senior’s; should the  PRPD Board fail to do its duty, consider “removing this problem” from their midst and seek a new relationship or new relationships, something better suited to our needs.  For those remarks, I have been poo-pooed by some of my readers.  All’s fair in love, war and politics.  Yes?  Well, poo-poo all you wish; some of us are actively reviewing the situation.

In the end of course, we might not find a willing or suitable partner.  In that case, we will have to make-due, bide our time and wait to see what this feckless Board means when it’s members write or say, as in the case of Ms. Wynn Ryan: “You know my position on senior programming and services -- we need more, and that's the Park District's mandate and promise, which does NOT depend on any deal with the fundraising foundation.

What did that resolution say again?

image image 

I call your attention to page (1&2) paragraph (7) which reads:



I now call your attention to page (2) paragraph (2) which reads:


 Finally, I call your attention to page (2) paragraph (3) which reads:


Fear Of The Unknown

The driving force behind the Senior’s need for a contract is their fear of uncontrolled change and, especially since January, their fear of perfidy.  For arguments sake, lets just call it, fear of the unknown.  Not one part of PRPD’s “resolution”, as I read it, removes that fear.

Knowledge Enters – Fear Recedes

In order to help Park Ridge Senior’s better understand their neighbor facilities and to lessen their continuing fear of diminishing services or abandonment, I thought it might be helpful to add a little more knowledge to ease their concern.  I thought it might be helpful to let them know that there are other places to go and things to do should it become necessary.

Current Membership Fee Schedule

                                 Description / Location

Park Ridge

Niles Center

Maine Twnshp

Frisbie  Center

Non-Resident Members





Membership Fees - $$
Single - Resident
Married – Resident
Single – Non-Resident
Married – Non-Resident





Miles from PRPDSC  




Time from PRPDSC - Min  




Note: Niles and MainStreamers do not presently allow for non-resident membership.  Frisbie does allow for non-resident membership but does not charge a different rate.

Goings-On by Senior Center

Click on Senior Center Name to go to their website!

Niles Senior Center
MaineStreamers (Maine Township)
Frisbe Senior Center (Des Plaines)
Park Ridge Senior Center

In the end of course, it will ultimately be up to the Park Ridge Park District Board to bring a joyous ending to their self-made predicament and the self-made problems they’ve created.

Of course, as always, it’s just my opinion!


Anonymous said...

Go. Leave. Head over to one of those other centers.

Here's your hat, what's your hurry?

My guess is that no one, not one Senior will leave the sweetheart deal that the big, bad, Park District provides that they claim they cannot afford.

If the Senior Center was so vital in your life, why wouldn't you be willing to pay a few dollars a day to insure that it stays?

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 18, 2011 9:26 AM,

You said: “Go. Leave. Head over to one of those other centers.”

Answer: I have! I am now also a proud member of the MainStreamers and the Niles Senior Center. When I get around to it next month, I will also be a member of Frisbie.

You said: “My guess is that no one, not one Senior will leave the sweetheart deal that the big, bad, Park District provides that they claim they cannot afford.”

Answer: You called the relationship a “sweetheart deal”. Please be more specific – if you can.

For me, it’s not the “deal” but the lack of courage by the Board; the lack of courage to vote their jointly-developed “deal” UP or DOWN. I’ve already voted with my wallet and may eventually vote again with my feet. Besides, my $68.00 (Fee) to support THEIR SENIOR CENTER” is not important to this Board. The problem is not all about MONEY. The Boards problem is about CONTROL!

You said: “If the Senior Center was so vital in your life, why wouldn't you be willing to pay a few dollars a day to insure that it stays?”

Answer: I don’t care about the Senior Center. The Senior Center is a building, owned by the Park Ridge Park District, and theirs to do with as they wish!

Take it! Fill it if you can! More power to you!

It is the Center membership I care about and it is they who enliven that inanimate brick and mortar object. If you are incapable of understanding that and if you represent the majority of Park Ridge Non-Senior residents, maybe it’s best that the “Center” be shut down and that the Seniors move on. However, I do not yet believe you represent the majority.

As to the question itself, I live in the real world, a place where price elasticity exists. In a world of stagnant cashflow and inflated costs, even Park Ridge Senior’s have their limits!

Anonymous said...

If you thought the Board was "tough" before, just wait until the next election of officers.

Anonymous said...

I should clarify, "tough" as in tough to deal with.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 18, 2011 11:06 AM,

You don’t seem to understand the situation. Let me enlighten you. The Board has won! The Board has their “clubhouse” back and they have those pesky Seniors where they want them; uncomfortable, fearful and compliant. That’s what they think, anyway.

The problem; is they have failed to win the hearts and minds of the Senior Center members. Discomfort, compliance and fear are poor substitutes for comfort, ease and happiness. As they say, the battle is theirs (THE BOARDS) to loose, and they ARE loosing. Being “tough” or tougher will not solve their self-created problem, in my opinion.

If there is any group the Board should treat more toughly, it’s the Board. Members need to demand from their Leaders an UP or DOWN vote on their jointly-developed “deal”. Until that happens, I believe, the Board will continue to face a hostile, unbelieving Senior Center membership.

In the end, will all seniors go? Yes. Some will stay until they GO. Others will leave for different centers or for different reasons. The core group will ultimately get smaller and eventually so small no “center” can exist. The Board thinks it can attract “Baby-boomers”. They should talk to the American Legion, the VFW or other fraternal organizations to find our how well they’ve done.

Seniors are still at the table playing the cards they’ve been dealt and waiting for the Board to play their hand.

Of course, this is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I have been told the next Board President will be one person, that you are very fond of Mr. Butterly.

Anonymous said...

Discomfort, compliance and fear are poor substitutes for comfort, ease and happiness...........unless they happen to be teachers, right Mr Butterly???

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 18, 2011 12:28 PM,

And who might that be?

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 18, 2011 12:46 PM,

Can you be more precise?

Anonymous said...

Mary Wynn has been going around talking as though she has the position in the bag.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 18, 2011 1:18 PM,

Do you think she'll become president before or after she shows her face at the Senior Center?

We'll just have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Not sure when she will appear at the Center, but she will be elected as Board President at the May 5th Board Meeting.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 18, 2011 1:52 PM,

I hope she chooses to appear soon. We’ll keepa good lookout for her.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all will.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything the public can do to impact the Park District election of officers?

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 18, 2011 3:17 PM,

I don't think there's a lot one can do at this time. The "public" made it's wishes known only weeks ago. Maybe you can write, phone or email your Committeeman(woman)to express your views.

I guess that's what I would do!

Anonymous said...

What's going down on Thursday night?

I'm hearing lots of fun sounding ideas floating around the Senior Center today Mr. Butterly.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon:April 19, 2011 3:32 PM,

What kinds of ideas are you talking about?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Huh. I wonder which Commissioner could've leaked the information to the folks at the Senior Center about Mary Wynn Ryan being nominated for President. Let me think...

Do you think they'll show up with those big cartoon heads and block traffic like the folks who protest the IMF meetings?

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 20, 2011 12:27 PM,

What are you suggesting - really?

Anonymous said...

Yes, what is being said exactly.

And Mr. Butterly, what are you saying exactly?

I really hope you like the Senior Facilities in other towns, they deserve you.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 20, 2011 1:50 PM

Who cares? Until a new Board is installed nothing is going to happen. That's my take at the moment.

As to liking the Senior Centers of other towns; I do. I also like the people who make up the Park Ridge Senior Center Membership, with or without the "clubhouse" as you so like to call it.

Anonymous said...

Tonight -- 7:30 PM Maine Park Leisure Center.

It's a "Sit-In."

Let's all plan on getting there at 7:20 and walking in together. During the opening few minutes of the meeting we will announce that we are staging a Sit-In and that we will not be leaving until there is an up or down vote on the Senior Center Contract.

Who's with me?

Anonymous said...

The sit in was very well done. Classy and made a point with the press in the room. We will be heard. No justice, no peace.