Saturday, April 28, 2012

Time to teach you how to fish!

A new blog site!

I started a new blog site to teach readers how I write Freedom of Information requests.  This idea has been on my mind for some time, and, quite frankly, I’m tired of being the FOIA conduit.  Also, the rules have changed making it difficult for me to process your requests while supporting my FOIA needs.

So there you have it: Butterly on FOIA’s!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ms. Mountcastle’s full statement – April 11, 2012

Updated – April 27, 2012

April 11, 2012 will, for most current Senior Center Members, be the turning point in their relationship with the Park Ridge Park District and its Executive Director, Ms. Gayle Mountcastle. 

I attended the previously unscheduled meeting, and, in my opinion, given Judge Flynn‘s recent call for Park Ridge Park District/Senior compromise, the nature of the issue, Ms. Wynn-Ryan’s grandstand theatrics, Mr. Biagi’s and Mr. Brandt’s childish and unnecessary shouts to clear the room, I was surprised Senior Center Senate members and others in attendance, were able to control their frustration and anger as well as they did. 

The seniors distress revolved around an incident that took place at their Senior Senate meeting on March 26th; an incident, by the way, that had my phone ringing off the hook within minutes of it ending. 

But rather than me telling you what I heard, lets read together, the following March 29th email from Park Ridge Senior Senate President Hameder to Park Ridge Park District Executive Director Mountcastle.

Note: I was asked to provide a better view of the text.  You’ll find it just below this document.

Emails from Barbara Hameder to Gayle Mountcastle



Easy to read text.

Note: for your convenience, you are seeing the email string in date/message order which is the opposite of that shown in the document above.

Part 1 of 5

“From: Teresa Grodsky
To: Gayle Mountcastle

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 5:55 PM

Subject: Senate/Senior Services descriptions


Attached is the info on the Senate and Senior Services. As you can see, they are completely different.

If you or anyone has any questions, let me know.


Part 2 of 5

“From: Gayle Mountcastle                                                       To: Barbara Hameder

Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:59 AM

Subject: FW: Senate/Senior Services descriptions

Barbara –

Here you go.

Gayle Mountcastle”

Part 3 of 5

“From: Barbara Hameder                                                        To: Gayle Mountcastle

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:12 PM

Subject: Re: Senate/Senior Services descriptions


Thank you for sending me the info I requested. I think that the email Teresa sent you was a comparison of the basic differences between the Park Ridge Senior Center Organization, and Park Ridge Senior Services, Inc (SSI).

As I remember, the Park Board, and previous executive director (Ray O), could never seem to be able to understand the difference between the two entities.

And, I believe that you have taken this email out of context, and are just using it to refute the true duties and responsibilities of the Senior Senate, as written in the by-laws of the Park Ridge Senior Center (Organization...Not the building).

Also, I feel that at the last meeting you acted in an aggressive, rude manner which was disruptive to the Senior Senate meeting. I felt that your need to raise your voice and threaten to "shut (us) down in a minute and lock the doors", was disrespectful to the Park Ridge residents and taxpayers who were present.

As I mentioned at the meeting, we appreciate and will take into consideration all your input, but you are a guest at our meetings. I didn't want an argument, but just to be able to conduct the meeting and address the items on the agenda.

I imagine that your intent is not to come across as strong as you do, but this seems to be the tone you project at every meeting I have attended. And, my intent is not to offend or attack but to come to a mutual understanding.

Barbara Hameder”

Part 4 of 5

“From: Gayle Mountcastle                                                      To: Barbara Hameder                                                             Cc: Jennifer Elliott

Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 10:24 AM

Subject: RE: Senate/Senior Services descriptions

Barb -

At the March Senate meeting, Jennifer discussed setting up a meeting to revise the by-laws of the Senate as they do not reflect the actual duties and role of the Senate at the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center. At this time, the Park District has decided that we need to further evaluate the Senate and it's role with the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center. Therfore, we will not be meeting on the by-laws and will be in touch in the next few weeks concerning next steps.

Gayle Mountcastle                                                         Executive Director”

Part 5 of 5

“From: Barbara Hameder                                                            To: Gayle Mountcastle                                                               Cc: Jennifer Elliott

Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 1:10 AM

Subject: Re: Senate/Senior Services descriptions

Gayle -

The By-laws Committee of the Senior Center Senate (which was previously appointed by president Rudy Kiel), has been meeting, and will continue to do so. We intend to proceed in amending our by-laws, in accordance with the recommendations of our by-laws committee.

The Senate will also continue to conduct its business, as has been discussed at its monthly meetings. As a long standing organization (always independent of the park district), we have both the right and the duty to our members, to proceed with our business.

Barbara Hameder                                                          President, Park Ridge Senior Center

Senior Senate Leaders were concerned enough to have their attorney draft this letter to Boards attorney.


Now, the Park District’s side.

On April 12, 2012 I emailed a request for a courtesy copy of Ms. Mountcastle’s statement.  I was denied the timely copy and instructed to submit a Freedom of Information Act request.  So as directed, I submitted  (FOIA-120412-001), requesting:

Please provide a copy of Ms. Mountcastlee’s full statement.

The purpose of the request was to gather facts used to confirm or refute hearsay and other unsubstantiated rumors and allegations – no matter the source.

The pages that follow represent the statement as delivered to me in PDF format on April 19, 2012.

Full Statement – Ms. Mountcastle – April 11, 2012



Local newspapers (and I assume, Mr. Trizna’s PublicWatchdog) were presented with the following Press Release on April 12, 2012.



On April 19, 2012 PRPD Board of Commissioners voted 6 to 1 to ratify their newly minted Park Ridge Park District Senior Center (by invitation only) Advisory Committee! 

The local newspapers covered the April 12th and April 19th meetings this way!

Park Ridge Senior Center advisory panel faces marginalization : By JENNIFER JOHNSON April 12, 2012 8:52PM

Senior, Park Tensions Mount In Park Ridge : By CRAIG ADAMS Journal & Topics Reporter

Vote On Park Ridge Senior Status Pushed To Apr. 19 : By CRAIG ADAMS Journal & Topics Reporter

Park Ridge Park Board forms new Senior Center advisory group : By Natasha Wasinski Contributor

Like so many stories in this extended Park Ridge Park District Senior Center saga, you’ll have to decide for yourself, what is true!

As for me, I’ve already come to my own conclusion. Time to officially change the name.


Seniors, the parties over - time to get serious about looking for a new home!

Of course, it’s just my opinion!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The parties over - time to get serious about looking for a new home!


I want to take just a minute to say something about my prior post and tonight’s Park Ridge Park District meeting.

My prior post…

Now, some of my readers are upset with my last post and believe I lashed out at Park Ridge Park District Commissioners and especially, its leaders, Mary Wynn-Ryan and Rick Biagi without due cause; that I’d crossed the line, that I was too direct and too harsh and in one case, a commenter suggested my post was the beginning of the end of this blog site.

I don’t think so. In any case, so be it!

A little over a year ago…

A little over a year ago, Ms. Wynn-Ryan and Mr. Biagi set into motion a series of events that ultimately led to last week’s meeting; and the beginning of the end of Park Ridge’s Senior Center.

I’m told Board leadership saw their vote a victory of sorts. A hollow victory from what I can see, especially, when “leaders” forfeited the good names of Park Ridge and Park Ridge Park District, making them, a laughing stock.  Especially, when “leaders” forfeited their own good names and reputations; not to mention hundreds of thousands of dollars in wasted attorney fees, management time and in lost revenue, only to win back a building they already own, instead of the whole enchilada; the Senior Center; the people!

How could seven seemingly intelligent people cockup a textbook exercise in civic leadership so badly?  How did these sheepdogs fail so miserably at herding their flock?

That’s a subject for another time!

There an old 1950’s standard (song) with words by Betty Comden and Adolph Green and Music by Jule Styne.

I remember hearing it as a kid. The words go like this:

The Party's Over, it's time to call it a day.
They've burst your pretty balloon and taken the moon away.

It's time to wind up the masquerade.
Just make your mind up the piper must be paid.

The Party's Over.The candles ficker and dim.
You danced and dreamed through the night,
it seemed to be right just being with him.

Now you must wake up, all dreams must end.
Take off your make up, The Party's Over.
It's all over, my friend.

My senior friends, the parties over – time to call it a day - time to get serious about looking for a new home!

As always, it’s only my opinion!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Time to change the name of the building to the Ryan-Biagi Cultural Center – Update 04/19/2012

A monument to duplicity, shame and arrogance.


It’s official!   Board voted 6-1 at tonight’s Board Meeting! 

The Park Ridge Senior Senate, the last vestige of the old guard, who, over 30 years, created and supported the running of the Park Ridge Senior Center, were unceremoniously  declared persona non grata, and will be gone soon! 

April 19th to be precise.

So it’s hurray for the Park District!                           Hurray for the Park Ridge children!                         Hurray for anyone in Park Ridge not a senior! 

Its time for Park Ridge Citizens to take out their flags and booze, have a parade, make a party. 

And time for current Senior Center Members to rethink their options.

In 18 short months, Park Ridge not only lost its best Park District Executive Director ever, it deliberately destroyed its award-winning Senior Center, along with their award-winning Senior Center Director.  And sooner rather than later, it will loose the majority of seniors the center was created to serve.  One can see this trend in the Centers diminished participation rates due to members feelings of betrayal. 

To be sure, in addition to the betrayal malaise, reduced participation has been exacerbated by Park Board micro-management and arrogance resulting in ineffective Senior Center management.  The majority of former Senior Center members have had it and are planning on quitting in disgust!

The last 18 months proved to be an incredulous eye-opener for me.  At first I believed the local hype:

Welcome to the official City of Park Ridge government website.

Park Ridge, Illinois, is a picturesque suburb of 37,480 residents, located 15 miles northwest of downtown Chicago, in a key geographic location close to O'Hare Airport, major expressways and rail transportation. It has a strong small-town, hometown charm, with cupolas, church spires and the 100-foot tower of the historic Art Deco Pickwick Theatre defining its unique skyline. Its slogan, "A Wonderful Place," describes a prime residential community with tree-lined streets, pleasing architecture, and outstanding schools, parks and library. Park Ridge is a welcoming community, open to everyone who wishes to take advantage of all we have to offer…

What I found was a very different Park Ridge – not a sleepy residential bedroom community but a town asleep.   A Butterly on Senior Issues commenter put it this way:

Anonymous April 9, 2012 1:36 PM said:

“…Here is the truth. The vast majority of PR could care less about this issue. It has not occupied a single moment of their time. It does not even make the list of issues of the day - not even close…”.

As to those who were awake, many have displayed a lack of empathy and caring for 800 of their elderly taxpaying neighbors and a lack of shame for supporting a Board that has shamelessly disgraced the entire community by their duplicitous actions.

I would like to say I feel sorry for PRPD’s brightest.  But I can’t!  Sorry would imply the events were inevitable, unavoidable.  Such was not the case here.  There were many places along this story’s path where compromise and reconciliation were possible.  The seniors offered and patiently waited.  The Wynn-Ryan/Biagi lead board chose to ignore them.

Well it’s over – time to change the name on the building!

Time to call the building what it is – what it was meant to become under the Wynn-Ryan/Biagi lead regime; their personal legacy:

The Ryan-Biagi Cultural Center!

May have a ring to it.  But for former Senior Center Members, a grating ring of betrayal and abandonment!

Of course as always, it’s just my opinion!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

And now for your reading pleasure - The Grodsky Agreement!

Much has been written about the Grodsky “retirement”. 

Mr. Biagi, some local bloggers and commenter’s as well as local newspapers, stated Ms. Grodsky’s unexpected departure, her “retirement”, was of her own choice, while seniors who worked closely with Ms. Grodsky, continue to believe otherwise.

On March 09, 2012 I submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA-120309-001), requesting:

Please provide: a copy of the agreement, addendums, codicils and/or other supplements or attachments there to.

The purpose of the request was to gather facts used to confirm or refute hearsay and other unsubstantiated rumors and allegations – no matter the source. 

The pages that follow represent the agreement as delivered to me in PDF format by Board’s Attorney on March 13, 2012.

Please note: clauses numbered 7 through 12 on pages: 4 of 12 and 5 of 12.

Teresa Grodsky – Severance Agreement and Release & Supplement - 11/16/2011 & 01/03/2012 Respectively

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