Wednesday, September 26, 2012



Who wooda thunk?


Thank you for sticking around!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Can’t seem to get the job done right!

On September 11, 2012 I wrote: Where are the videos and minutes? 

The blog post described my year-long attempts to encourage Park Ridge Park District Management to post Board Meeting videos in a timely manner. 

I stated then: “Problem is, I think I have been writing to the wrong person!

On September 14, 2012 I updated the post as follows:

  “Only took three days to fix. There is no reason for the situation to happen again. I guess I finally got to the right person!”

At the time when I wrote the update I was aware some of the missing videos had yet to be uploaded.  I believed it only reasonable to give Ms. Mountcastle sufficient time to finish the job before commenting further.

I took a moment today to see how things were going.  The report presented below tells the story.

To see the complete, full document, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Archived Meeting Minutes, Agendas & Board Packets - 09-24-2012

Ten additional days have gone by and still the job is incomplete.


Video Date

Days Ago


March 8, 2012



July 10, 2012



September 6, 2012


  Is two hundred days a long time to wait for Ms. Mountcastle to finally get the job done, considering her recent $8,500 pay increase?

And what about the July 10th video?  How long must Seniors wait until they can view that important Board meeting?

Apparently, even when getting to the top banana, this simple task still remains incomplete!

Of course, it’s just my opinion.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another Big – Important Meeting Tonight!

I understand there’s a Park Ridge Park Board meeting tonight.  The subjects include the Youth Campus and Senior Center problems.

The common thread connecting these two subjects is money, or to be more specific, the acquisition of taxpayers money.

Now, I understand a shindig by the “Parks Legacy Group” is to be held on October 7th to raise some cash for the Youth Campus.  

In support of Boards current fundraising efforts, might I suggest they add for consideration, an additional item onto tonight's agenda. 

A Park Ridge Park District Park Board New Clubhouse Variety Show!

A moneymaker there if there ever was one.  Don’t you think?

Well, I searched around the Internet and found these nifty clubhouse variety show examples to get their creative juices flowing:




And maybe if they’re good enough, Commissioners can spin part of it off and take it on the road.

On second thought, maybe not such a good idea after all!

Of course, its just my opinion.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Users need to pay “fully-loaded costs” - so says Bob!

I was looking over Bob Trizna’s PublicWatchdog today, looking for a specific comment not associated with this post, when I came upon comments (former two-term PRPD Commissioner & 1-year President Bob) made, regarding the covering of fully-loaded costs of Park District, School District and Public Library activities.

Now, to be fair to Bob, he is nothing if not consistent.

From: D-64’s Subsidized Babysitting to Continue -05/29/12 


“Many/most taxpayers might expect parents who already are getting $10,000+ per year, per kid, of what amounts to “free” education not to beef about paying the fully-loaded costs of the after-school program (a/k/a babysitting) that enables them to work and afford the property taxes to obtain that almost-free education for their kids in the first place. Unfortunately, such an expectation would be wrong, at least as to those shameless-but-vocal parents who seem able to make a relatively spineless administration and school board quake in their boots.”

“Yet currently, in addition to the after-school babysitting program, D-64 offers a variety of “elective” extracurricular activities, such as athletics and music, for which it does not even attempt to recover the fully-loaded costs. Instead, those activities are designed only to cover supply expenses, not the expenses for the personnel who teach/coach/administer them.”

From: No Need For Spineless Pk. Dist. To Litigate With Shameless Seniors – 04/16/2012  


“But while you’re at it, Park District, you also might want to re-visit the rules and regulations for your “affiliated” organizations – at least some of which are private 501(c)(3) corporations like Seniors Inc. – to make sure those organizations are paying their fully-loaded costs; and to prevent what happened with the Kemnitz bequest from happening with any future bequest to one of those affiliates.

Because when it comes to taking advantage of government, the “shameless” come in a variety of packages besides “seniors.”

From: Time To End The Library’s “Free Lunches”? – 06/02/2010 


“Don’t get us wrong. We’re big fans of the Library and believe it to be a significant community asset, well-deserving of continued taxpayer support to cover the basic cost of maintenance and operation. We also like the idea of interlibrary borrowing, which creates synergies that should breed money-saving efficiencies – but only if that savings isn’t frittered away on the costs of the program.

Which is why there should be a “convenience” charge that covers the actual, fully-loaded cost of the deliveries. And while the librarians are at it, they should start looking at ways to cover the fully-loaded costs of all those “free” programs, too: if those programs truly have any value, residents should be willing to pay for it.”

Let’s see if I have this right. 

If every user from this point forward (since properties have been purchased by prior taxed monies) pays the fully-loaded costs associated with the activities they utilize, the Park District, and other taxing bodies like School District(s) or the Public Library would not need additional tax money. 

Old Bob might actually be on to something! 

The Seniors could take their $400.00+ in PRPD’s tax money and apply it toward their new Senior Center.  The other non-Center-use seniors could just keep their cash.  Local parents would pay fully-loaded costs of their child’s education and those without kids could spend their money any way they like; and the Library, well, let them rent out those books! 

Bob, it’s brilliant!

I wish I’d thought of it!

Of course, its just my opinion.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Biagi/Wynn-Ryan Boards Prefer Court Costs… Update: 09-17-2012

rather than political persuasion to solve their self-created problems.


A reader asked I provide source documents as I have done in the past. This addition will increase the length of the post, but will provide you with confidence in the numbers.

Further, it appears some of my readers still do not believe PRPD leadership wished to change the name of the 100 S. Western Building or the focus of its activities. I have now included a new document, an email from Ray Ochromowicz to Teresa Grodsky: September 13, 2010.

See: Additional Email Information 09/17/2012.

Readers and commenters from both sides of the aisle complain of the extraordinary costs to the Park Ridge taxpaying community brought about by PRPD’s two-year-long Senior Center debacle.

I’m not going to go over old ground with you, nor will I comment on any of the facts displayed at this time. Instead, I’ll just display the information obtained from Park Ridge Attorney Billing and Payment records received under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), provide some general remarks at the end and await your comments. 

Of course, I intend to give you my take on this matter a little later.

The Point Of The Exercise

My friends, you must decide for yourself if the (2011 & 2012) Wynn-Ryan/Biagi Boards choice, to create a legal fracas from a simple political problem, was the right one financially.

A major financial drain to any extended litigation are Attorney fees.  That is where we will focus today.

The Reports

First report document, “Attorney Billing Payment Summary Report PRPD” displays the monthly attorney billing payments from January 2008 through April 2012.

  The detail will show the “Check Date” and “Amount” paid. There are two totals: sub-total by month and total for year.

To see the complete, full-screen Document, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Attorney Payment Summary Report

The second report will display yearly totals from 2004 through April 2011.


The detail will show Year, Amount, Year-To-Year Difference, Percentage of Total and Dollars Per Day. There is also a total for years 2004 through 2011.

Pay particular attention to the “Dollar Per Day” amounts.  These facts are also presented in graphic form.

Yearly Totals – 2004-(Jan-Apr) 2012

 Yearly   Dollar  Percent  Dollar 
Year  Amount   Difference  Total Per Day
2004         41,546.64 9.91%


2005         30,498.80     (11,047.84) 7.27%


2006         65,227.25         34,728.45 15.56%


2007         52,945.50      (12,281.75) 12.63%


2008         44,315.50         (8,630.00) 10.57%


2009         55,707.25         11,391.75 13.29%


2010         40,680.00      (15,027.25) 9.70%


2011         88,400.00         47,720.00 21.08%


2012         31,280.00


2011 (MWR) and 2012 (RB) are the PRPD/SSI/Senior Center Debacle Years.

Dollars Per Day Chart – 2004-2012


Ask yourselves:


Is this unhappy situation what you had in mind when you elected these Commissioners?

At this moment I understand there are three court cases open, all started by PRPD Board action.

When your publicly-elected-officials spend scarce cash on frivolous law suits and petty scheming against some of your older neighbors, instead of keeping their contractual commitments, all for the sake of saving a few bucks, ask yourself; how does that increase my happiness and what does it teach my children?

I for one will never understand it!

One last thing.  The next time some a Commissioner or former Commissioner/Blogger tells you the money is going to maintain the “Senior Center” building at 100 S. Western, show them this:


Senior Center 024



Today, The Senior Center – tomorrow - Centennial Recreational Center, Park Center, Centennial Park Center or, based on current usage; The Wynn-Ryan/Biagi Cultural Center!

Additional Email Information 09/17/2012

Change Name of 100 S. Western Building

Can we now just agree a name change to the 100 S. Western building was seriously contemplated by PRPD leaders; and that the “Park Ridge Senior Center” signage on the building was not sacrosanct and could have been changed to the “Activity Center” at any time by a Board vote?

Of course, it’s just my opinion.

P.S.  Some of my detractors will blame my efforts for causing these needless expenses.  I would remind them that Park Ridge Park District Commissioners failed to take into account senior concerns from the outset.  Their arrogance and incompetence brought this on.  My obligation to my many friends at the Center, and as a former Senior Center Member and concerned citizen, was to inform the public; something local papers and other bloggers miserably failed to do.

Source Documents

To see the complete, full-screen Documents, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

2004 Payment

2005 Payment

2006 Payment

2007 Payment

2008 2012 Payment

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where are the videos and minutes? Update: 09/14/2012

Only took three days to fix.  There is no reason for the situation to happen again.  I guess I finally got to the right person!

I’m get pretty tired of having to keep asking Park Ridge Park District Management to upload Park Board Meeting videos and minutes to its website in a timely manner.  It’s not unusual to wait up to 90 days.

The problem regarding timely uploads has been going on for some time.  As a matter of fact, I have had to write Gayle Mountcastle several times on this subject since October 2011.

Problem is, I think I have been writing to the wrong person! 

PRPD’s Board is known for its tendency toward micromanagement.  I should have written Ms. Wynn-Ryan or Mr. Biagi or maybe Mr. Hunst. 

I’m sure they would have solved this dilemma pronto!

To see the complete document full-screen, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right. 

Video and Meeting Minutes Email - Nov. 9 - Oct. 25 and Oct.24 2011

To see the complete document full-screen, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Video and Meeting Minutes Email - Jan 30 2012

To see the complete document full-screen, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Video and Meeting Minutes Email - Aug. 20 and Aug. 28

So, now that President Biagi is aware of the on-going problem, maybe we’ll finely see the implementation of a long term solution.

Of course, he could just shanghai some kid from Maine South, put him/her on the payroll and get the job done – on time!

It’s just my opinion. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Proposal - PRPD To SSI – Dated: 09/07/2012

I received the new, improved emailed offer from Rick Biagi on 09/07/2012. 

To see the complete, full-screen document, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

New - PRPD To SSI Offer - Dated - 09/07/2012  

Bear in mind that Park Ridge Park District started the Kemnitz Trust mess in earnest on December 12, 2011.

From December 2011 Attorney/Client Detail Billing Records.


Note: Here’s a short conversion table table to assist your reading.



SSI Senior Services, Inc.
BK Betty Kemnitz Trust
DS BK Trust Attorney Smith

To see the complete, full-screen document, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Referenced SSI To PRPD Counter Offer of: 08/28/2012

My response.

To see the complete, full-screen document, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

My Response to Offer - 09-08-2012

Rick took my suggestion to include Bob Trizna in the conversation.  This is what Bob had to day:

To see the complete, full-screen document, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

The Watchdog’s Response

While writing this post I kept thinking of Robin Hood and his merry men; and women of course.  But then I thought, Robin Hood robbed from the rich and gave to the poor!

While PRPD is attempting to rob from the Seniors and keep for themselves.

To see the complete, full-screen document, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Where Will the $330k Kemnitz Trust Money Go?

Kemnitz money will be used for the seniors.  Right!

Park District citizens and taxpayers deserve better leadership; and a serious dab of honesty  wouldn’t hurt either!

Of course, it’s just my opinion.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Park Ridge Senior Services, Inc. - Update: 09/07/2012

Notice: This is a long read and worth every minute of your time!

Here, you’ll learn about the organization, its history, its relationship to Park Ridge Park District and Park Ridge Senior Center Senior Senate, and all the relevant details you need to know about the “contracts” and “reparations or clawback” as written first hand in original documents; real information, not undocumented statements or opinions, the type of garbage you’ve you’ve been fed in other blogs and in the local papers!

Its time to free yourself of the tyranny of this Board and read the documents they don’t want you to see!

Let’s begin!

I am constantly amazed, even after 20 months of open public discussion, the lack of knowledge by residents surrounding the PRPD/SSI/Senior Center issue.  That includes some members and former members of PRPD’s Board of Commissioners and others who refer to  Park Ridge Senior Services, Inc. as: “Seniors, Inc.”, “SSI”, “Greedy Geezers”, “Senior Inc/SS”, “SS”, etc.

So, I thought it might be a good idea to replace assumptions and misinformation with document-based facts to enlighten some of my readers and sometime detractors - just a little.

Why Senior Centers?

The other day I asked Park Ridge Senior Senate President, Barbara Hameder; how old the oldest Senior Center member was.  She checked around but couldn’t get the fact.  However, she did find this out.  Currently, fifty-two (52) ninety-plus-year-old members are involved with Senior Center activities.  Without the Senior Center, it’s possible the majority of these Nonagenarians would be home – alone.  Instead they are experiencing the company of fellow Nonagenarians, as well as Octogenarians, Septuagenarians and Sexagenarians.

To see the complete, full-screen Why Senior Centers, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Newsletter - February 1986 - Why Senior Centers

Understand what Park Ridge Senior Services, Inc. is and how it works, can best be seen by reading its Bylaws.

To see the complete, full-screen Senior Services, Inc. Bylaws, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Senior Services Inc. (SSI) Bylaws

The Park Ridge Senior Center was launched in 1980.  Three years later, it found itself in the throws of a recession; much as our current Center does today. 

For a little more insight into those times, take a moment to review the letter from the Park Ridge Senior Services, Inc., President Raymond Hollis and Park Ridge Senior Center Senior Senate Relationships Committee Chairman; Jim Proebsting. 

While you’re at it, notice on page (2) the local organizations and names of distinguished local citizens connected to the original  senior center effort.

To see the complete, full-screen Hollis & Proebsting Letters, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

1983 - Letters From Hollis and Proebsting

The Park Ridge Senior Center has always been underfunded relative to other Park ridge Park District services, activities or other taxpayer-funded amusements.  In spite of that, Seniors, through Park Ridge Senior Services, Inc., continued to pursue their dream of an independent Senior Center.

To see the complete, full-screen How Center Got Started, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Newsletter - March 1984 - How Center Got Started

Early Park Board Leader Rifkind Recognized SSI’s Role. 

To see the complete, full-screen PRPD President Rifkind’s Newsletter, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Newsletter - May 1984 - PRPD President Anita Rifkind

Based on SSI’s Newsletters, SSI and Senior Center’s Senior Senate has always been cognoscente of their financial responsibilities.  Here’s an early example:

To see the complete, full-screen SSI Financial Status 1984 Newsletter, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Newsletters - October-November-December 1984 - Financial Status

As time went on, Senior Center membership and activity needs grew beyond the limited capabilities of the original “Center” building.  In November 1985’s “Know Your Center” Newsletter, SSI leaders said:

To see the complete, full-screen Need More Space Newsletter, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Newsletter - November 1985 - Need More Space

One month later…

To see the complete, full-screen Launch Fund Raising Drive Newsletter, click the box on the  lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Note: Go to the bottom of the document to see where the first check came from!

Newsletter - December 1985 - Launch Fund Raising Drive

Note: That act by Teresa’s father, I believe, cemented what became a life-long love affair between Teresa Grodsky and Park Ridge Senior Center members.  When current Board President, Rick Biagi, torched her reputation last January; see: I swear by my tattoo – Part One, he set off a chain reaction, the result of which we are still reading about in local blogs and in local papers.

Not all Senior Centers Are Alike

Back in May of 1986, SSI performed a study involving local and North Shore Senior Centers resulting in the following Newsletter.

To see the complete, full-screen Senior Center Comparative Study, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Newsletter - May 1986 - Senior Center Comparative Study

By mid-year 1986 Senior Center membership had grown to 1,800+ with over 3,000 contacts (member-visits) per month; and it was becoming clear the building would have to be expanded.

Over the next year, Senior Services, Inc. (SSI), working with Park Ridge Park District officials, local community members, senior volunteers and others, worked out the details for the much-needed 100 S. Western building expansion. 

Then, in November 1987, SSI kicked off Seniors efforts to fulfill their part of the agreement with PRPD.  SSI obligated seniors to raise $350,000; half the cost of the building expansion. 

I won’t go into all the detail’s I’ve uncovered describing the immense efforts SSI and Senior volunteers went through to raise the money, but I will provide these small clips from SSI’s Newsletters. 

From the August 1988 Newsletter.


From the November 1988 Newsletter.


From the December 1988 Newsletter.


From the January 1989 Newsletter.


To see the complete, full-screen Newsletter – April 1989 – It is Done, click the box on the lower right side of the document window. To move UP or DOWN use the SLIDER on the right.

Newsletters - April 1989 - It is Done

The fundraising efforts I’ve just described represent a single but significant part of SSI’s fund-raising activity history.

SSI – More Than Just Fundraising

SSI is more than just the fundraising arm of Senior Center members.  SSI was also the organization PRPD contracted with for 30 years to use the 100 S. Western building for its Senior Center activities.  More on that in a future blog post.

So, next time someone tells you Seniors didn’t contribute significantly to improving that taxpayer owned property, send them to this page for the facts!

Of course, it’s just my opinion!