Friday, June 8, 2012

20,250+ Views…

The View Counter

On January 18, 2012 I wrote the following:

“The view counter has just passed the 10,200 view mark. In my opinion, that’s 10,165 more views than this pathetic, year-long, Board-created and Board-perpetuated saga should have ever generated! Board’s forced retirement of Ms. Grodsky and Mr. Biagi’s recent adventure in document leaking, added almost 4,000 additional views to this site over the last six or so weeks alone.”

That post was 160 days ago.   

Can you believe it?  Still no resolution folks.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

You do realize that your counter isn't capturing new captures visits. So, if I go to the site 5 times a day, that's 5 hits on the counter. Multiply that by a year and one say Sandee, or Barb, Helen or adding 1500 hits to your counter. Kinda makes things not so impressive anymore...hey Kenny?

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: June 10, 2012 6:08 AM,

You are absolutely right! Every time someone views a post (new or repeat visitor) the counter goes up.

Must mean those repeat readers are interested in this on-going story and what all of us think about it.

I suspect any local blogger would be proud to have this kind of response to his/her blogging efforts!

You and other returning readers are a great example of the kind of viewer/readers all bloggers are looking for!

The PRPD/SSI/Senior problem continues to intrigue me and I will continue to write about this story no matter the viewer participation.

Thank you for bumping the counter one more time!

Sandee Main said...

June 10, 6:08

I do not read that the "master blogger" was suggesting how "impressive" all the hits were...just suggesting had there been no unnecessary action by the Park District, none of the hits would have occurred at all. Methinks you protest too much.

I have never participated in a blog before, so ought that question be asked each time someone wishes to judge "success" by numbers of hits or success of a bloodspot?

The number of times a senior visits the Park District
Senior Center is the important statistic. The number of times a senior leaves the Park District building fulfilled is the issue.