Thursday, March 28, 2013

Look at you Rick! All Grown Up – Writing For Yourself On Facebook! – Part #1

I guess Rick Biagi’s finally grown up and wants to share his fantasy's with his friends on the internet; and on Facebook no less! 

Here: Link to Rick’s Facebook site!

It’s a hoot!

Here’s a guy who’s gone from leader to whiner in only four years!

Now, this transformation didn’t come on to him suddenly.  One could see the metamorphous happening for over the last two years.  First with the Senior Center; later with the Grodsky/Vile Data-dump matter.

Unfortunately for Park Ridge Senior Center members, the change didn’t happen to him alone. 

Based upon recently received campaign literature, Mr. Hunst and Mr. Brandt have also been infected.

To go from potential strong civic leader to pathetic little  politician in such a short time, is to my mind, astounding. 

Rick’s Facebook Page

I went to Rick’s Facebook page and was sorely disappointed.

Where’s the Rick I expected; a man who touts his “accomplishment’s”, first as three-year Vice President Park Ridge Park District Board of Commissioners and then as it’s latest President?  That Rick wasn’t there, or at least not much of him. 

Of course, in order to tout ones accomplishments, one first has to have real accomplishment's to tout.

Instead of focusing on the positive, Rick, like his two election teammates, has chosen to go negative; has chosen to return to telling a unsubstantiated and discredited story of pre-2011 Senior Center toilet denial.  One brave senior two years ago called it a lie, if recall!

Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me!

I’ve always found that statement to be true, especially for those who are confident of who they are, and what they’re about.

Park Board incumbent candidate (politician) Biagi has a problem with upset citizens referring to him (and Ms. Wynn-Ryan)as: “delusional”, “spineless” and an “intellectual cripple”.

I would like to add five additional words to describe Board President Biagi:


And Rick should know, no one likes a whiner; especially whining local politicians who use their families as pawns to tell unsubstantiated stories about alleged toilet-denial by old people.

What does Mr Biagi now have to say about those seniors and their supporters?

From Rick Biagi’s Facebook Page 

Mr. Biagi writes:


“My colleagues and I on the Park Board (as well as our family members) have been subject to some rather vicious attacks over the past two years by members of the special interest group behind the Senior Center litigation. I’ve personally been called “delusional”, “spineless” and an “intellectual cripple” by these very people.

My wife Sue and I were called liars at an open Board meeting because we... dared to share a story about being refused entrance to the Senior Center when one of our small children needed to use the bathroom while playing in the adjacent playground.

But my favorite was when I was told, to my face, that my actions as a Commissioner involving the Senior Center caused a number of seniors to become so depressed that they were contemplating suicide.

Click ‘Like’ if you want to bring civility back to the Senior Center and the Park District.”

Rick went on to write:


“It's really wonderful to have to explain to my five young children why people are saying that their Daddy is doing things that make people want to kill themselves. That's a conversation every parent loves to have.”


“Thanks Ben - it is just amazing to me that neighbors in our town can spout such hatred and venom.”

For the record, I have asked Mr. Biagi twice to come to this forum to discuss those Park Board actions under Biagi/Wynn-Ryan  leadership. 

To date he’s refused!

Since Mr. Biagi, Mr. Brandt and Mr. Hunst chose to regurgitate their sordid tale, I now find myself reluctantly having to discuss this trash in detail; and of course, I’ll display the documented facts as I’ve found them as I have in the past. 

One last thing: the local politicians I’ve known over the years would never knowing place their wives and children in a position of ridicule or potential embarrassment for political gain. 

Why Rick and his friends continue to do so is beyond my understanding!

Mr. Biagi brought his family into this mess by telling and repeating his allegation, and I suggest, he alone bears all responsibility for any negativity experienced by his wife and/or his children.

No documents exist.

Mr. Biagi, Mr. Hunst, Mr. Brandt as well as VP & former President Mary Wynn-Ryan and their minions, continue to insist that pre-2011 Senior Center toilet denial occurred; and base their story on their allegations of mothers of children with “wet pants”, and that these same allegers were denied free and unfettered access to the 100 S. Western building.

Folks, PRPD Board says no records of toilet denial exist!  Would Maryanne Lucarz break the law and lie? Not on your life!

FOIA 110909-001




Email Summary


Freedom of Information Request

Requested Information

“Please provide copies of all citizen generated formal complaint documents associated with the use of Park Ridge Senior Center bathrooms between 01/01/2005 through 09/01/2011.”

Maryanne Lucarz Response

The citizen complaints in regards to the Senior Center bathrooms were oral complaints, there are no written copies to provide.”

My Response

“Is there a written list containing the names of those citizens who issued "oral complaints" relative to this issue? If so, I will be glad to FOIA that list should you wish.”

Maryanne Lucarz Response

“There is no list of names.”

Biagi Responds

In response to my first publishing this information on September 15, 2011 in Restroom-gate continued – Park Ridge Park District says NO lists of formal complaints of complainers exist, Mr. Bisgi wrote the following:

“Mr. Butterly:


I read some of your recent blog posts asking me to provide specificity to my accusations of personal attacks on myself and my family. You also insisted in one of your posts that you did not engage in any such activity. I beg to differ with you as your September 15, 2011 post shows that you question my (and by implication my wife’s) truthfulness:

‘Gee Ms. Wynn-Ryan! Gee Mr. Biagi! Where’s the proof to your story? Don’t even tell us it was a family member, as someone near the Board recently suggested. Have you no shame?

My research went back as far as 01/01/2005.

Surely, an issue this important, and one used repeatedly as a reason for your current actions, would have generated one official report or the name of one citizen offended!’

I fail to see how the existence of a report to the Executive Director or Superintendent of Recreation is dispositive of the fact that my wife was turned away twice by people in the Senior Center when attempting to use the bathroom for one of my five young children. Moreover, the fact that I was told of identical stories by a number of PR parents at various sporting events also has no bearing whatsoever on whether a report was filed. In point of fact, each of these people, including my wife, knew that they were informing an elected official of the Park District and fully anticipated that I would bring such issue to the attention of staff…no written report is needed. If you circle back to some video transcripts from prior Board meetings I am almost certain that I mentioned the issue in public session before the entire Board.

You, however, are not the only person that referred to me as a liar or questioned the veracity of my statements. In fact, Barb Ignolia referred to me and Mary Wynn-Ryan as “liars” and that “we should be ashamed of ourselves” at a recent Board meeting. I also believe that Helen Roppel and Millie O’Brien engaged in similar discourse in their various posts to your blog, PRU and to the local papers.

If you would like to discuss this matter in more detail, I would be happy to talk with you by phone or in person. In fact, it might be worthwhile for you to appear at a Board meeting where you can address the Board en banc. However, I will not engage in further discussion of this topic on your blog where “anonymous” posters can continue to disparage my credibility and character and/or that of my family under the shroud of anonymity.”

End part #1

Of course, it’s just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

You wretched little man, or whatever you are. You've been told that a number of separate incidents have occured in different families, two of them Board members. You choose to say repeatedly that they are lying because you know refusing a kid use of a public washroom will piss off, pun intended, the taxpayers who pay for that washroom. But the bigger issue is that you refuse to acknowledge that those incidents all occurred before Ray Ochromowicz took over the executive directorship in late 2009and put an end to decades of "no sharing required" de facto policy at the Senior Center. Citizens never bothered reporting this indignity because everyone knew that, from the top down, it would be ignored at best and that they would be abused and libelled as they are now by you, at worst. Who in his or her right mind would subject his or her family, friends or neighbors to the nasty taunts and insults you foist onto Mr. Biagi in this very bog (can't call it a blog)? Bathroomgate -- and all it stands for in the public's mind -- has not been discredited. Only you, and those you inflame for your own sad purposes, are discredited. Meanwhile, the Park Ridge Senior Center is an inviting, appealing place for the many seniors who are healthy role models to socialize.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 28, 2013 2:27 PM;

I didn’t bring this sorry subject up!

The two-year-old “Toilet-gate” story was left unfinished (by me) many months ago because I didn’t want to cause Mrs. Biagi and her five children additional undue distress. I thought Ms. Wynn-Ryan, Mr. Hunst and her husband had already done enough damage!

Current Park Board incumbent / candidate; Mr. Steven Hunst ; regurgitated this subject as part of his Vote-for-Me flyer, apparently, in order to pump up anti-senior support and garner your vote! If I recall, he and Mary Wynn-Ryan did the same thing, probably for the same reason, two years ago.

Mr. Hunst wrote:“For decades that group, under the umbrella of “fundraising” was allowed to “Refuse access to families, even for use of the washrooms, in a public facility paid for by all the taxpayers.”

Anon, I deal in facts. When I write about a subject on this blog, it usually includes copies of supporting documents or generally known specifics. PRPD FOIA Officer Lucarz, under the penalty of law, wrote no Senior Center toilet denial complaint documents exist, no list of names of the offended exist! All there is; are unsubstantiated verbal allegations by people like Rick, May, Steven and you – “Anonymous”!

Now, I know you don’t believe me when I tell you that no such Senior Center “Toilet-gate” activity took place at the pre-2011 Senior Center; and that’s of little consequence to me. What is of consequence to me, is the unchallenged retelling of a story that we all know to be untrue; a story that if left unchallenged not only allows its tellers to diminish the 800 pre-2011 Senior Center seniors they purport to represent, but the Park Ridge community at large.

A fact that seems to be totally lost on each of them!

So, if you still have a problem with the latest rehash of this story – take it up with Hunst!

As to the rest of your comment, I’ll just chalk that up to an overactive bladder!

Kenneth Butterly said...

Mike: March 28, 2013 8:18 PM;

I’m responding to Mr. Hunst’s retelling of a discredited yarn of pre-2011 Senior Center toilet denial.

See: Anon: March 28, 2013 2:27PM!

Anonymous said...

Let's see.....on the Park District side we have elected officials and those running snipping over the use of restrooms egged on by a supposed grown up with a blog who frets about "the Park Ridge community at large", a community he does not even blelong to.

On the city side we have a Mayor (and his backers including another blogger) and man running for Mayor (backed by an ex Mayor) snipping and accusing each other of stupid little things.

It's a sunny day and I think I will take my kids to the park. Watching them play it occurs to me they are much better at figuring things out and solving issues than all of our elected officials and supposed cummunity leaders combined.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 29, 2013 7:18AM;

It is a lovely day - isn't it?

The subject of alleged restroom denial by pre-2011 Senior Center Members was first broached by Rick Biagi and Mary Wynn-Ryan in 2011. My investigation and subsequent discussion was a response to an apparent lie. This year, Commissioners running for reelection have once again resorted to this tale’s re-flushing, in order to jazz-up their voters with tales of “accomplishment” and daring-do! My current response is to their political folly. I am truly sorry they have placed us back in this muck, but maybe it’s time to put an end to it, by publishing everything I have on the subject; and letting the chips (sorry about the pun) fall where they may.

Enjoy the day!

Anonymous said...

It's derring-do, not daring-do.

Also, it's fantasies, plural, not

Just a few more in your endless collection of mistakes, errors, untruths, fabrications and...
Talk about daring doo-doo.
Every time we direct somebody whose family was not allowed to use the washrooms to your hateful drivel, we get another handful of votes. So, thanks! Keep on raving!

Anonymous said...

Also - Biagi was VP for 2 years, Treasurer for one year and President for one year. Where in the hell do you get your fact checking done Ken...oh wait, you don't.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 29, 2013 8:25 AM & March 29, 2013 at 10:52 AM;

Thank you for finding those errors. I’ll make things right, straight away!

However, I hate to differ with someone so helpful, but I must.

Anon, I do not consider your corrections hurtful or “hateful drivel”. They are what they are; opportunities for willing parties to get the information right. If I make a minor mistake, I acknowledge it; I fix it and move on. Unfortunately, some mistakes made by the Wynn-Ryan/Mr, Biagi Boards; in this case, the continuing “Toilet-gate” fiasco, are not so easily fixed. The fact that you consider my acknowledging and discussing this issue “hateful drivel” is unfortunate. We will just have to differ!

Anyway, it’s nice to know you’re out there.

Sandee Main said...

I dislike this toilet trend.

Any responsible adult who had such a "refusal to use public property" would within minutes seek out the manager on site for resolution. Why did not that happen whenever and EVERY time the alleged refusals occurred? I am just 'allleging" that would be general operating procedure for responsible people.

This may be construed as 'derogatory' remarks by some of your readers. Truth on the most basic level can be interpreted differently to make those involved look better in a difficult situation.

Anonymous said...

Responsible people might idly wonder why any employee or fellow customer/member of a facility would ever get it into his or her head to refuse use of the facility...perhaps because it was tacitly approved of from the top down? Hmmmm..............