Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Always thinking of Park Ridge taxpayers first!

Seems like Park Ridge Park District Commissioner Mel Thillens and his “Parks Legacy” friends would rather take their Parks Legacy Election Rally business out of town!


What is it Mel?

Houlihans isn’t Irish enough for ya?

A word of advice Sport.

If you want to make friends and influence voters in your own town, spend your donated campaign money where your bread is buttered - in Park Ridge!

Of course, it’s just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Thillins is a fool! I'm ashamed to say I voted for him. You can bet that won't happen again!

Anonymous said...

Careful: the Youth Campus Park (Legacy) group is depending on the Historical Society, Larry Ryles and the aggrieved cabal at the Senior Center to elect the Park Board candidates who will both pass the referendum and give reparations to, or the Senior Center building itself back to, Senior Services. You don't want to annoy any of them, I'm sure, so lay off of Mel. He's no fool. He just knows how to make alliances.

Unknown said...

1 - The Curragh was the only nearby place that would accomodate the band (which is a Park Ridge band donating their talents).

2 - We aren't spending any donated funds. The event is free to the organization and to anyone who comes. People there may choose to buy themselves a drink or food.

3 - We did have a fundraiser at Houlihan's and enjoyed it.

I love and do shop locally. I enjot this town so much I even bought my house and pay my property taxes in Park Ridge.

Sebastian Janikowski said...

Good Scoop Ken. Well done.

I hear there is a bit of infighting at the Senior Center due to the fact that items "belonging" to SSI and their planned removal. I have had some conversations with other seniors that are staying in Park Ridge (can you imagine?) and feel that they worked hard to raise money for their purchase as well, and thus the items should stay.

Ken? Carla?

Can't you control things?

I hope Carla's "leadership" gets her voted off the 207 Board.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 20, 2013 10:42 AM,

I agree with you, Mel Thillens has made some foolish mistakes over the last couple years; his involvement with the Taste of Park Ridge brouhaha being one of them.

Mel seems to be a nice enough guy, however, he doesn’t appear to me to be the brightest bulb in the pack, politically speaking.

His positions on the major items facing Park District Park Board seem to mirror the Biagi/Wynn-Ryan positions; and that, in my opinion, should not give folks in Park Ridge comfort.

As to your vote for Mel “not happening again”, I can only say, if you are dissatisfied with his performance as Park Board Commissioner, you should consider replacing his three colleagues currently running for the Board; three men who share his beliefs.

Otherwise, no change of direction or tenor will occur on the next Board.

Anonymous said...

So Mr. Butterly, how is the Park in your town? Are you happy with all their decisions?

On second thought I withdraw the question. It is really none of my business. I don't even live there.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 20, 2013 11:56 AM;

Actually I wouldn't mind a little help from you in order to make Niles Park District activities and facilities less expensive and more accessible, for the "undesirables" some of you folks seem to fear so much!

Would you help?

Unknown said...

Ken, you make a mountain out of a molehill, here. I respond, pointing out among other things, that you got the fact about spending donated money wrong, and you don't even address my response.

A word of advice, Sport. If you make a mistake, correct it.

Sandee Main said...

Sebastian…even the name is a hoax.

You should see an ENT as your hearing has failed you. The premise you are referencing is small, naïve and silly. Whoever suggested that “seniors who worked so hard fundraising to purchase items, equipment used at the Senior Center ought determine the items resting place” is naïve. Most, if not all, funds raised by seniors through fundraisers was traditionally dedicated to paying utility expenses and reimbursing employee salaries/benefits to the PRRPD. In rare instances was an event held which designated equipment purchase. Far more common to purchase equipment or furnishings from funds donated through bequests or significant personal donations from supportive residents.

Seb, you would find that as common practice of legitimate charitable organizations. It is most appropriate to designate donated funds to things or capital rather than for general operating expenses. Fund raising dollars are most universally used to offset operating expenses. Likely hard for you and yours to understand because you so earnestly believe seniors did not pay anything for their activities.

With your improved hearing following your visit to the ENT, you might phone some of those local charitable organizations to verify or deny the practices summarized here.

The Commissioners likely think their maneuvering was clever, but such antics are simply cause for community embarrassment.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Mel Patrick Thillens: March 20, 2013 6:13PM;

Mel, what mountain out of a molehill?


Mel Patrick Thillens: March 20, 2013 11:11AM [Updated: 3/21/2013 3:02PM];


Thank you for clarifying the situation since your “evite” did not make your full position perfectly clear.

Taking the party to Chicago was , in my opinion, the mistake. Park Ridge has places where you could have still had your party and your free band. You could have even held the party at your house, since there are only 26 confirmed “yes” responses as of yesterday afternoon. Not so sure about the band though!

It is the symbolism of the proposed act that brought the invite to my attention. The non-senior who passed on the “evite”, thought you were being a hypocrite for not wishing to spend your money in town since you wanted him to fork over more of his money for the good of the same community; and I agreed with him, ergo the blog post.

Also, I just wanted to pull your chain!

Local politics is one vote at a time Mel; and every little perceived mistake is amplified! Herein endeth the lesson!

Now, I must give you credit for taking on this project.

Note: [Section removed since I could not find the supporting documentation to my original statement!]

Mel, win or lose – your effort is in my opinion, the only BIG PRPD Board project; and assuming you actually win, the only actual major accomplishment produced without substantial controversy and significant legal fees by the Biagi/Wynn-Ryan lead Boards over the last two years.

And that is something indeed!

Unknown said...

Having a four piece rock band at my house, with my four kids under seven years old is where my wife draws the line. We could have had it at your house, but that doesnt meet your qualifications.

I'm guessing there will be more than 26. Maybe you will come and have a drink with us, making it 27.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Mel Patrick Thillens:March 21,2013 2:05 PM;

Thanks Mel, maybe I will!


Anonymous said...

I believe the Curragh is owned by a PR resident.

Mel you still have not answered the question-will there be lights at the YC park or are you going to let the OPL group dictate what can and cannot be put in the YC park. And how are open spaces being preserved when 40% of the property will be developed?

Unknown said...

8:56 - I have answered your questions, but because they are based on faulty premises, and your mind is made up, you don't like my answers.

The people in OPL have no more input in the property than other residents. Most of the Park District parks don't have field lights for night games, with the exceptions being Hinckley and Kalina at South Park, neither of which are bordered on three sides by residential property. The suggestion was made by staff and the park designer to plan the park with some lighting for the paths and certain amenities, but without field lights, before any input from anyone in OPL.

Your 40% figure is off. The only parts of the plans that may not be considered open are a few buildings we are saving, some tennis courts, a water play area and the building next to it. We also need a parking lot per city regs. Have you been on the property? It is pretty open and green now and we plan on removing eight buildings and several roads and parking areas.

Anonymous said...

Mel-the 40% figure comes from the PRPD official standing guard over the propaganda material the PRPD has on display at the community center. If this information is not correct then you should tell him how and what information he is supposed to give out.

In addition, the upgrades are only proposed. So will the PRPD really vote to put them in if enough of the neighbors of the YC pressure the board because they don't want the noise and traffic that will come with the amenities?

As to no lights-that is beyond ridiculous. Why would the PRPD spend $13,200,000-$18,000,000 all in-and not have the sports field available for use after the sun goes down. If the field is for lacrosse surely you know this is a spring and fall sport. You are completely limiting the utility of the field if it cannot have lights. Or was this the intent all along as dictated by the OPL folks?

Sandee Main said...

3/27/13 at 2:26 pm

Can campaign materials be offered or displayed in a public building?

Who are the OPL folks?

Sandee Main said...

3/27/13 2:28 p.m.

Who are the OPL folks?

Are materials (related to bond issues) placed in public buildings allowable under Illinois election/campaign regulations?

Anonymous said...

OPL is the Our Parks Legacy group who MR. Thillens as a PRPD board member has been collaborating with to get the Youth Campus referendum passed. You can access their website through the PRPD website.