or: to FREELOAD or not to FREELOAD, that is the question!
Park Ridge Park Board and some of their supporters have portrayed those who disagree with them over Senior Center and Centennial Park pool issues, as special interest groups and/or freeloaders.
Lately, Park Board members, some running for reelection, have gone back to retelling their unsubstantiated and discredited “Restroom-gate” tripe. These shameless smalltime politicians have also fallen back to denigrating the 30-year PRPD/SSI Senior Center public/private partnership, by calling the pre-2011 Senior Center a “clubhouse” and belittling some of those who worked there; not to mention the good work of prior Park District Commissioners.
Decenters to Board actions (that appears to include me), are now being referred to by some paranoid PRPD supporters, as a cabal: “a small group of secret plotters; a group, a gang, a ring, a plot, a scheme, a conspiracy, a collusion.”
Recent Examples

Completely flummoxed PRPD Board members and their groupies now mantra:
| - those who disagree with “the Board” are only interested in themselves and their own personal gain
| - those who disagree with “the Board” don’t have the publics or taxpayers best interest at heart; and that only “the Board”, are the one’s that do
| - those who disagree with the wishes of “the Board” are “special interests” operating out of anger and for personal gain.
But what about the Board’s personal gain?
![siren[1][4] siren[1][4]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiXK_RSDMWL0qHI_kjavew_QIKrDEQVdIyy0cwft83tX1448sqgPXIY3LoILvl887a7umJ69t7pVI_GfPvp0l4BalRBlFO3nWN-WcpcyOlZlUtEFBXDllWe7sJXY1BGZn8r92Fxp_RAa4st/?imgmax=800) | Warning: This is going to be a long post! |
September 20, 2012
Most Park Ridge Park District voters don’t attend Park Board meetings. Most don’t read Board Meeting Minutes; and definitely most don’t watch Board Meeting Videos; and because they don’t, they miss opportunities to observe first hand the actions of their elected officials.
The main topics for discussion that night, based on the Official Park Board Meeting Minutes For Sept. 20, 2012, were the:
| - Land Acquisition Committee Report
| - Historical Society Proposal
| - Kemnitz Litigation – Update.
Two other seemingly unimportant Commissioners Internal Policies and Bylaws Manual policy amendments were also on the agenda.
| - Policy 3.02 - Opportunities for Development
| |
These changes were scheduled to be voted on late in the meeting.
I didn’t know about the proposed changes until the “Board Packet” was uploaded to PRPD’s website weeks later. Since then, I’ve started paying more attention to the “Board Packet”.
What is the “Board Packet”? The “Board Packet” is a file that normally includes all the background information required to support the meetings agenda.
Included in the October 25, 2012 “Board Packet” were Mel’s minutes of prior meetings, including, the then unaccepted but eventually approved meeting minutes for the September 20, 2012 Regular Meeting.

The Board Secretary, who’s job it is to oversee the accurate chronicling of Board Meeting activities, released the following Board Meeting Minute entries:
#1: 3.02 Policy – Opportunities for Development

#2: 3.03 Policy – Opportunities for Oversight of Park District Programs and Facilities

Based upon the entry for “3.02 Policy” above, it’s unclear if Board members Brandt, Hunst, Ryan, Thillens and Biagi approved:
| - Policy 3.02 - Opportunities for Development
| |
So what did they approve?
3.02 - Opportunities for Development
Policy before change.

Proposed change.

| Note: Sorry the text is so hard to read. |
Simply put, the policy change would now require PRPD to pay full Per Deim costs associated with Commissioners attending PRPD required functions instead of one-half the cost.
I am sure you’ll agree with me, that Commissioners should not have to pay out-of-pocket to attend Park Board required conferences or training sessions.
The motion passed with limited discussion! 
From my video viewing notes:
| Mary Wynn-Ryan proposed to amend 3.02 Opportunities for Development policy. Click here: video #5 of 5 @ 23:36 minutes into the video. |
3.03 - Opportunities for Oversight of Park District Programs and Facilities
Note: The original policy and proposed changes presented below are very long and somewhat difficult to read.
For your convenience I have presented: “Proposed 3.03 Policy Changes – Full Version -Side-by-Side” further on.
To get to the heart of the matter skip on to: “AT THAT POINT…”. |
Copy Policy 3.03 from Policy Manual before proposed change.

Copy proposed changes from 09-20-12 “Board Packet”.

Proposed 3.03 Policy Changes – Full Version -Side-by-Side:
Original | Proposed Change |
3.03 Opportunities for Oversight of Park District Programs and Facilities The Board of Commissioners is charged by law with the responsibility of managing all the offices and properties of the Park District and with planning, establishing and maintaining recreational programs and facilities. Pursuant to these directives, the Board oversees the facilities, grounds, programs and employees of the Park District. In order to facilitate the Board in the performance of its duties it is important that the individual Park Commissioners not be deterred in their use of the grounds, facilities and programs of the Park District so that they can directly inspect, evaluation, observe and assess same. Commissioners availing themselves of this opportunity are encouraged to periodically report their experience in writing to the Director of Parks and Recreation if they so choose. It is therefore declared to be the official policy of the Park District that the incumbent Park Commissioners shall be entitled to the free use of the facilities and grounds of the Park District and to free participation in all programs of the Park District where there is sufficient enrollment to cover program costs of the Park District (program supplies, etc.) shall be paid by the Park Commissioner. In revenue-producing facilities and programs where costs are computed on hourly rates, a Park Commissioner shall pay the hourly rate charged, or the direct costs, whichever is less. In cases where a particular program is not being filled on a regular basis no charge shall be assessed. Regarding the status of Commissioners occupying positions of paid employees or acting as a contractor for the District, the Illinois Compiled Statute clearly states that no Commissioner can be directly or indirectly involved as an employee or contractor, except to the extent permitted under the Fraudulent and Corrupt Practices Act. Individual members of the Board shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending meetings or in making trips on official business for the Park District when so authorized by the Board. If Board members are elected or selected for Park and Recreation Association involvement, the District will pay expenses if the Association does not. Commissioners will serve as such without compensation. | 3.03 Opportunities for Oversight of Park District Programs and Facilities The Board of Commissioners is charged by law with the responsibility of managing all the offices and properties of the Park District and with planning, establishing and maintaining recreational programs and facilities. Pursuant to these directives, the Board oversees the facilities, grounds, programs and employees of the Park District. In order to facilitate the Board in the performance of its duties it is important that the individual Park Commissioners not be deterred in their use of the grounds, facilities and programs of the Park District so that they can directly inspect, evaluation, observe and assess same. Commissioners availing themselves of this opportunity are encouraged to periodically report their experience in writing to the Executive Director, if they so choose. It is therefore declared to be the official policy of the Park District that the incumbent Park Commissioners and Commissioner's Immediate family members' shall be eligible for complimentary family memberships in District facilities and programs which include season passes. Participation limited to immediate family members. Immediate family for the purpose of this section shall mean the Commissioner's spouse, domestic partner, civil union partner and dependent children residing with the Commissioner. All incidental program expenses such as supplies, equipment and food shall be paid by the Commissioner. Regarding the status of Commissioners occupying positions of paid employees or acting as a contractor for the District, the Illinois Compiled Statute clearly states that no Commissioner can be directly or indirectly involved as an employee or contractor, except to the extent permitted under the Fraudulent and Corrupt Practices Act. Individual members of the Board shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending meetings or in making trips on official business for the Park District when so authorized by the Board. If Board members are elected or selected for Park and Recreation Association involvement, the District will pay expenses if the Association does not. Commissioners will serve as such without compensation.
From my video viewing notes:
| Mary Wynn-Ryan proposed to amend 3.03 Opportunities for Oversight of Park District Programs and Facilities policy. Click here: video #5 of 5 @ 40:36 minutes into the meeting. |
At that point, Board’s Attorney chimed in:
| “I would ask not to have a second yet. um - I have a problem with this; and I hadn’t reviewed it until this evening. Always feel like a skunk at a birthday party when I have comment on this {unintelligable} ah we had {or have} a little discussion – can you defer this…” |

So, what got Board’s Attorney’s attention? Well,I can’t say for sure, but let me tell you what caught my eye!
Original | Proposed Change |
3.03 Opportunities for Oversight of Park District Programs and Facilities “…incumbent Park Commissioners shall be entitled to the free use of the facilities and grounds of the Park District…” | 3.03 Opportunities for Oversight of Park District Programs and Facilities “…the incumbent Park Commissioners and Commissioner's Immediate family members' shall be eligible for complimentary family memberships in District facilities and programs which include season passes. Participation limited to immediate family members. Immediate family for the purpose of this section shall mean the Commissioner's spouse, domestic partner, civil union partner and dependent children residing with the Commissioner.” |
Can you imagine the potential political fallout for this politically-brain-dead Park Board, had this change become public; that in the midst of this deep recession, while:
- they were planning to spend $7,000,000 in Bonds for Centennial Pool replacement and upgrade,
- they were proposing a NEW $13,200,000 land acquisition Bond Referendum,
- some of their over-taxed neighbors were having to cut back on family expenses?
Park Ridge Park Board Members almost voted themselves and their families; up to thirteen family members in the case of two Commissioners alone, FREE MEMBERSHIP to the Community [fitness] Center activities, golf range and more, when ordinary Park Ridge taxpayers have to pay the going rate.
Now that’s chutzpah!
Had Board’s Attorney not intervened, had he not felt “like a skunk at a birthday party”, had he not put a stop to Board’s insensitive goofiness, Park Ridge taxpayers would now be paying for an even bigger and unnecessary FREEBEE than they already are.
Now we know why they need the attorney present at every Board meeting!
Get ready for the excuses guys!
Get ready to hear:
| - “we never read it” or
- “we didn’t vote for it” or
- “we tabled it like we tabled the 2010 Senior Center Contract proposal”;
or of course, the ever-popular “everybody else does it”!
Whatever they say, they can’t cheat their video. It happened; and had it not been for Board’s Attorney’s common sense, I have no doubt the amended policy would have passed!
Had it not been for Mel not catching the mistake; had it not been for his fellow Commissioners not reading the material presented on page 6 of 49, the mistake would not have been published; I would not have seen it and you would not now know about the FREEBEE!
Trizna says he never took the FREEBEE!
When I first learned of the current FREEBEE provision within Policy 3.03, I decided to ask my fellow blogger, Park Ridge’s very own Public Watchdog, Bob Trizna what he knew. Bob was once a Commissioner and President of the Park Board.
Bob told me, during his eight years on “the Board”, he refused on principle, to take advantage of the FREEBEE; and of his unsuccessful attempts to persuade fellow Commissioners to change their policy.
Sometime in the future…
Now, with this possible Policy change or something like it lurking out there in the future should the same Commissioners be reelected; will Mr. Trizna finally come out publicly, on his blog or mine, against the continuance of this unnecessary, unconscionable; and I must say, un-neighborly FREEBEE?
Could it be any wonder these guys might want stay on this Board?
Well, something needs to change folks! It’s time to bring the openness the public deserves to the Board Meeting process. Commissioners Internal Policies and Manual Bylaws changes need to be:
| - publicly announced, formally read and publicly displayed well ahead of Board’s official proposal, discussion and vote
- properly presented within Park Board Meeting Minutes, so the public would know the content of what was voted on and the rules under which Board members operate.
Commissioners Internal Policies and Manual Bylaw changes need to be presented in a way that facilitates, at least the image, of genuine openness!
Other Park & School Boards do it; PRPD’s Board should do it also!
Of course, it’s just my opinion!