Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ma and Pa Kettle of Park Ridge….

Pa Kettle was sitting in his old USA-Made rocking chair, when he opened the new May 2012 PRPD Senior Center Newsletter he’d just received earlier that day! 

Read it.  Adjusted the frameless old spectacles on the crown of his nose, and read it again!

Ma, he shouted. Come on out here… Have ya seen this?

Ma Kettle, a stocky lady on her mid-70’s, wearily laid down the gigantic wooden spoon she was using to stir the laundry tub, left her kitchen and slowly walked back out the front door and onto the porch. After adjusting her own specs, Ma bent down, grabbed to newsletter from Pa’s hands and took a look.

After a couple minutes, Ma raised her head and looked at Pa in astonishment. 

Pa Kettle, what does this mean; asked Ma.

Ma, means they aint talken to us.  Means we don’t count no more! 

Says here, that Park Government is makin an advisory board to replace us so they can tell themselves what they wanta hear.  Just like those $100,000 consultants they hired a few months back. Pa continued.  Says that O’Brien fella we voted for, the feller who used to be President, musta been sitten too long doin nutin, cuzz now, it says right here, he’s gone-a be a “Chairperson”, whatever sex that is!

I guess things are different now!  New way of doin stuff, said Ma.  Used to make agreements by handshake, now its attorney this and court that.  Pa said. 

Pa slowly looked up at his wife.  Touched her silver hair and said: Ma, sometimes, it makes me glad I’m old, in a way. 

Me too, she said. 

Remember Pa?  We used to dance, sing, do crafts, play cards.  Remember those pancake breakfasts and shows, asked Ma? 

Hasn’t been much fun goin on over there at the Senior Center, for quite a while, she said.  

Pa stood up, looked in her with a twinkle in his eye and said: maybe we should take a ride over to the Clampett’s tonight and have some fun!  Ya know, Jed says, he just got himself one of those funny-lookin card-tables from Walmart!

Senior Center Newsletter – May 2012 – Just more BS! 


Of course, it’s just my opinion!


Anonymous said...

Yup, gotta watch out for that big bad Gub-mint and their durty Social Security and that there Medicare. But how come y'all printed jest the furst page of that there newsletter? What about the other three pages of programs and events and classes, some of 'em taught by actual seniors who kin read an' rite English?

You wretched man. It's hard to tell whom you disrespect most: elected officials who are your neighbors, seniors, or your sorry self.

Anonymous said...

Yup, the ole seniors read them there programs & noticed prices gut really high. Much higher than that there Gayle Mountcastle promised of maybe 7%. Sum of dem up almost 25%. Caterers changed and food not good no more and don't fill ya up either. Buses for carrin us seniors round are really cheap too. Not like dem nice ones we used to have. Nobody round to even say houdy when ya come in. Lots of us dumb seniors are heading to other centers where outside foreigners don't boss us round and make us feel we don't belong any more.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: May 3, 2012 2:43 PM,

Now, I thought your parody of my satire pretty funny. Then you went and spoilt it with name calling.

Did you really mean to call me worthless, base, despicable, inadequate, inferior, shameful or vile? Keep writing stuff like that and people are going to think you’re into me!

As to being disrespectful toward elected officials; let me remind you, Richard Nixon, George Ryan and the Rodmeister were all “elected officials”. I didn’t like or respect them either.

Anonymous said...

Butterly, I think this is funny and so Park Ridge. I just don't get the "funny-lookin card-tables from Walmart" bit.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: May 4, 2012 5:37 AM,

Sorry! It's kind of an insider thing. See, PRPD Officials count Senior Center CARD PLAYERS and in their minds, seniors playing cards at the Center validate PRPD decisions: which of course, is not the case. Senior card players go where the game is, where the card tables and chairs are and are not swayed by the venue. Of course, we have to keep this a secret between us.

Anonymous said...

Don't give up your day job Butterly. Your not that funny!

Sandee Main said...

Anon 5/3 2:45 pm,

Let's look at the other 3 pages of the May Newsletter.

I like "they" get that volunteers are essential to whatever operation is intended at the PARK DISTRICT Senior Center. Volunteers should be acknowledged and that the recognition oversight identified from Mid April is being corrected on June 6. I also appreciate that evening programming now appears to be minimal.
Two great strides forward.

Unfortunately, I DISLIKE and note the Introduction to iPhone session offered in June for $38.00 is offered for FREE at Apple Stores. Many of the Apple learning opportunities turn out to be almost private. Just call the Wizard Bar at your nearest Apple Store to register. The store will be hopping just as the Park Ridge Senior Center previously was.

Because the District and staff burned its main bridge and association with the Senior Senate, I was sad to see that tradition of preparing and serving a meal for more unfortunate folks may be in jeopardy. Good news it appears someone will be responsible to acquire a food service license and be present to operate the kitchen. SUCCESS!

I DISLIKE that the lead article and Front page continues to wave the flag of divisiveness among the population and criticize an important part of the membership. I encourage those who have been publicly denigrated on multiple occasions (including on the front page of this now District's newsletter) to demand return of their pro-rated membership dues. The Senate, i understand must pay to use park meeting facilities. Maybe the reimbursement can offset the room charges? I was astute months ago in requesting full return of my fees as the District .illegally cashed my check not payable to them.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: May 4, 2012 12:27 PM,

Have you every heard of an allegory? It's a story not a joke!