Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden Found – Wynn-Ryan Still Missing! – Updated 05/09/2011

She’s been found!

Anonymous said…

Mary Wynn Ryan showed up at the Senior Center this afternoon (Friday May 6) with Commisioner Dick Brandt.It appeared they were inspecting the whole bulding. Be interesting to hear her "report" at the next board meeting. Also why she never responded to an invitation to have lunch at the Center ( on May 9 ) and speak with some of the members.

May 6, 2011 2:29 PM

Original Post starts here!

Of course, we were all overjoyed to see-read-hear the news that Osama bin Laden had been found and not not at all saddened by his dispatch. 

Now that he’s gone, I suspect, the intelligence community might have an extra minute or two available now to find Ms. Winn-Ryan, Mr. O’Brian, Mr. Biagi and Mr. Herman. 

20 Days have elapsed since I made the offer to these fine Commissioners to drop in at the Senior Center.   Still not one email to confirm a sighting. 

It’s time to change this:


Anyone out there know Mr. Panetta’s phone number? 


Anonymous said...

Mary Wynn Ryan is going to be elected President of the Park Board tonight and will then begin to put her plan into high gear.

She wants to close the Senior Center. Plain and simple. She wants to see her own group gain control of the building so she can have the clubhouse all to herself.

Anonymous said...

Mary Wynn Ryan showed up at the Senior Center this afternoon (Friday May 6) with Commisioner Dick Brandt.It appeared they were inspecting the whole bulding. Be interesting to hear her "report" at the next board meeting. Also why she never responded to an invitation to have lunch at the Center ( on May 9 ) and speak with some of the members.

Anonymous said...

What is she up to with Tricky Dick Brandt?

What is their agenda?

Why are they so comfy-cozy?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they're plotting a military coup.

Anonymous said...

Whatever they're doing, they're up to no good, that's for sure. All Mary Wynn Ryan needed was to be elected the head of the Park Board. Look out here she comes.

Anonymous said...

Have they signed an agreement yet? What is that current status?
Why is Gail Mt. Castle stalling?

Anonymous said...

why no more posts mr. butterly?
