A monument to duplicity, shame and arrogance.
It’s official! Board voted 6-1 at tonight’s Board Meeting!
The Park Ridge Senior Senate, the last vestige of the old guard, who, over 30 years, created and supported the running of the Park Ridge Senior Center, were unceremoniously declared persona non grata, and will be gone soon!
April 19th to be precise.
So it’s hurray for the Park District! Hurray for the Park Ridge children! Hurray for anyone in Park Ridge not a senior!
Its time for Park Ridge Citizens to take out their flags and booze, have a parade, make a party.
And time for current Senior Center Members to rethink their options.
In 18 short months, Park Ridge not only lost its best Park District Executive Director ever, it deliberately destroyed its award-winning Senior Center, along with their award-winning Senior Center Director. And sooner rather than later, it will loose the majority of seniors the center was created to serve. One can see this trend in the Centers diminished participation rates due to members feelings of betrayal.
To be sure, in addition to the betrayal malaise, reduced participation has been exacerbated by Park Board micro-management and arrogance resulting in ineffective Senior Center management. The majority of former Senior Center members have had it and are planning on quitting in disgust!
The last 18 months proved to be an incredulous eye-opener for me. At first I believed the local hype:
“Welcome to the official City of Park Ridge government website.
Park Ridge, Illinois, is a picturesque suburb of 37,480 residents, located 15 miles northwest of downtown Chicago, in a key geographic location close to O'Hare Airport, major expressways and rail transportation. It has a strong small-town, hometown charm, with cupolas, church spires and the 100-foot tower of the historic Art Deco Pickwick Theatre defining its unique skyline. Its slogan, "A Wonderful Place," describes a prime residential community with tree-lined streets, pleasing architecture, and outstanding schools, parks and library. Park Ridge is a welcoming community, open to everyone who wishes to take advantage of all we have to offer…”
What I found was a very different Park Ridge – not a sleepy residential bedroom community but a town asleep. A Butterly on Senior Issues commenter put it this way:
Anonymous April 9, 2012 1:36 PM said:
“…Here is the truth. The vast majority of PR could care less about this issue. It has not occupied a single moment of their time. It does not even make the list of issues of the day - not even close…”.
As to those who were awake, many have displayed a lack of empathy and caring for 800 of their elderly taxpaying neighbors and a lack of shame for supporting a Board that has shamelessly disgraced the entire community by their duplicitous actions.
I would like to say I feel sorry for PRPD’s brightest. But I can’t! Sorry would imply the events were inevitable, unavoidable. Such was not the case here. There were many places along this story’s path where compromise and reconciliation were possible. The seniors offered and patiently waited. The Wynn-Ryan/Biagi lead board chose to ignore them.
Well it’s over – time to change the name on the building!
Time to call the building what it is – what it was meant to become under the Wynn-Ryan/Biagi lead regime; their personal legacy:
The Ryan-Biagi Cultural Center!
May have a ring to it. But for former Senior Center Members, a grating ring of betrayal and abandonment!
Of course as always, it’s just my opinion!