Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Board Aborts Its 6-month-Old “Resolution”

On September 15, 2011, Park Ridge Park District Commissioners reneged on their 6-month-old “Resolution”.  This document was designed to free the Board from damaging public opinion, negative public comments by Senior Center members, and their own internal struggle.  The “Resolution” was an attempt to put an end to the 30-year contractual relationship between the Park District and Senior Services, Inc.  Senior Services Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 that represented Senior Center member’s.

When I heard this news I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.  This easily solved and sorry saga had just morphed from being a cheap interpretation of…


Before we know it, they’ll stop relying on their attorney and local press and lead out this new pitch man to explain their actions.


Note: Click purple words or phrases for further information.

So what happened?

The Seniors were assured prior to the last general election that the “Resolution” was the document controlling senior centered activities.  Seniors were assured nothing would change and no contract or agreement was required to govern the Boards relationship with the Seniors. 

The Boards “Resolution” Park Ridge voters were told, was something all Park Ridge Seniors could trust and believe in! 

So, if the “Resolution” was something to trust and believe in then; as repeatedly and vigorously expressed by current Board officers; namely President Mary Wynn-Ryan, Vice President, Dick Biagi, Board Secretary, Richard Brandt and majority members of the Board prior to the last election, why was it trashed for a worthless letter? 

Gee, so much for the trust and mutual respect promoted by prior Boards!

Obviously, the the words of high ranking PRPD Board Officials and their “Resolution”, was not worth the webpage space, paper or gigantic Resolutionposter it was printed on.  The Board demanded the poster’s installation just inside the door at the Center.  Some Seniors thought it a daily reminder to Senior’s of the Boards power.  Others thought it a big talisman designed to ward off evil sprits.  Worthless either way!

Question is, why would this Board trash their Resolution”?

I believe the “Resolution” was trashed because it was never THEIR resolution to begin with

Based on Ms. Wynn-Ryan’s account, the unsolicited “Resolution” was apparently created over a weekend and delivered to the Board just prior to its unannounced introduction and Board approval on February 17, 2011, by Board’s Attorney.  This story was reaffirmed by: Mr. Biagi and Mr. Brandt, at the same Park Ridge Library pre-election meeting.

So, what is the public to believe and trust now? 

The public was led to believe and trust in a shamResolution”, now, just an old fashion crock of dung as it were.  They were led to believe the hyperbole surrounding Ms. Wynn-Ryan and Mr. Biagi’s undocumented story and assertion that “the public” was afraid of going into the Senior Center and that parents and children were rudely denied use of the Senior Center’s restrooms by Senior Center members.  Apparently, a false assertion now debunked!

See: Restroom-gate - Park Ridge Park District President acknowledges long-time crapper access problem… and Restroom-gate continued – Park Ridge Park District says NO lists of formal complaints of complainers exist!

Now, the public is being asked to believe that this new document, (one in a string of attorney-to-attorney letters), to be the official document underlying a NEW binding agreement.  

Oh spare me!

 Aborted - Attorney Created – Unsolicited – Pre-Election Resolution


That Morphed Into the “Current Letter of Agreement”.

Thomas G. Hoffman Letter - 09-11-2011

If one were to read Jennifer Johnson’s 09/27/2011 article describing this event as only she can, one would get only the Boards side of the story.  Apparently, this scribe neglected to reveal offers made at the meeting by Senior Center representatives to report their side of the controversy.  Not to worry however, many here in Maine Township have been reading Ms. Johnsons adventures in local journalism for several years and have learned to expect nothing more.

PRA - Jennifer Johnson Article - 09-22-2011

So you think you’re confused?

(Photo: Mircea Costina / Caters News )

Well, the Seniors are now more confused than ever and are tired of being sniffed by a fox.  It’s time for the Board to get its nose out of Senior tush and quit playing games.  This Boards self-imposed problem will not go away, no matter how foxy the maneuver, such as the one perpetrated last month.

Surprise!  You’ve just been Punked by the Board.

There is no “pact”, there is no agreement.  And no, the “letter” does not just supersede the pending “cooperative guideline” agreement, a Board-known nonstarter. More over, it supersedes the February 17, 2011 Board passed “Resolution”, a document the Board Attorney apparently did not wish to reference when interviewed, nor was it referenced in the letter in question.

Senior's Response Letter 09.14.11

 Just a couple notes. 

Note #1:

Just to be clear, based on Park Ridge Park Board Minutes, the board meeting to implement the “Cooperative Guideline” was canceled, and therefore, NO Board Passed “Cooperative Guidelines” exist. 

Note #2:

For an agreement to happen, both sides (Park Ridge Park District and Park Ridge Senior Senate) must first formally agree.

Talking points for possible agreement as discussed in on-going attorney communication are not an agreement made.

Note #3: 

The Board was aware that “the letter” written by Boards Attorney and used as the basis for the so-called “agreement”, had already been formally rejected by the Senior’s attorney prior to the Board meeting vote.  Why these public servant's would have the audacity to initiate this apparent scam is beyond me.

Of course, unless you live in a world of little dictators or you’re a befuddled fox!

So, what really is behind that so called agreement letter and how does it fit into this mess?  That’s still what many of us in the public are trying to figure out.

One More Question

The board has and continues to speak with forked tongue.  They repeatedly cry poor, when in fact, they have recently been discussing a possible acquisition of additional land, behind closed doors. 

Land Acquisition



Just thought I’d ask!

As always, it’s just my opinion.