This is my follow-up post to Finally, PRPD Board Offers Its Own - Senior Centered Proposal. Unlike prior postings, I have chosen to refrain from providing extensive comments of my own at this time. Instead, I thought I would just display the Board’s Resolution, a document referred to in the proposal, a copy of the original Cooperative Guidelines as presented to the Seniors for their signing, followed by a more easily read point-by-point Cooperative Guidelines Report by Line, for your consideration.
I would appreciate you’re reading this post in its entirety before commenting, should you so choose.
The Park Ridge Recreation and Park District and Senior Services, Inc. (the Senior Center membership’s representative) have been partnering to support Senior Citizen activities at the Park Ridge Senior Center for thirty (30) years. These partnership arrangements have been codified in the form of multi-year contracts. The last iteration of that contract having expired on December 31, 2010.
The intent of this post is to publically present in context, the Board’s new cooperative agreement; a unilateral list of working rules presented to Senior Services, Inc. (SSI), an independent 501 c3 organization, without public notice or fanfare, a couple weeks ago.
The document included a demand for SSI’s acceptance by 07/21/2011.
Bear in mind that this manifesto was delivered to SSI prior to its public presentation, vote and approval by the Park Ridge Park District Board, which by the way, is scheduled to happen tonight.
Apparently, the implementation of the new “Guidelines”, in conjunction with the District’s previously published “Resolution”, is the Boards attempt to restructure by fiat , the prior working PRPD/SSI/Senior Center relationship.
I’ve written extensively about this tragedy at various times over the last several months. I call it a tragedy because this 200+ day-old political, strategic and angst-creating debacle did not have to happen. I gave the Board a working solution as early as 09/25/2010.
Now, the observations presented at Butterly on Senior Issues are just my opinion. My “Photoshopped” version of events, so-to-speak. At the same time, the Board has presented to the public it's “Photoshopped” version of events. Apparently, the public, including many seniors, are still feeling contextually deprived when it comes to this story. So I thought I would add a bit more background material to help bring the entire picture info fuller focus.
Thirty Years of Close and Mutually Beneficial Cooperation
The Rat-Hole
The Board would like the public to believe that the building currently being used as the Park Ridge Senior Center, was always the way we see it now; it’s current size; a facility that is clean, organized, equipped, well led, fully functioning, and of course, completely paid for by our taxed dollars.
Of course, PRPD Commissioners would also like the public to believe that the Seniors currently rely on and have always relied on, the largess of PRPD. As you will see, nothing could be further from the truth.
When the Seniors first took over the then “Storage Facility” it was described by one volunteer, as a “rat-hole”; dirty, cluttered, unkempt. As I understand it, there actually were rat droppings. The Seniors, (many of them having since passed away), spent hundreds of elder-hours cleaning and prepping the building prior to opening day.
A lot of Senior investment in time and money has happened since then.
Major Additions
Initial addition to the building (1980’s) | $350,000 |
Stage addition (1999) | $300,000 |
On-going Remodeling and Equipment
Library (furniture, shelves, carpet) |
Lobby furniture and display cases |
Lobby and hallway wallpapering |
Valances in the card room |
Painting and redecorating washroom |
Updating of sound system |
Purchased pool tables |
Purchased ceramic kiln |
Purchased kitchen supplies and small appliances |
Purchased pianos (baby grand and 2 digital pianos) |
Storeroom addition |
Purchased air conditioning of building |
Converted doors into emergency doors |
Made washrooms handicap accessible |
Purchased all tables and chairs in the drop in area |
Purchased game tables |
Purchased computer club projector |
Purchased banquet tables |
Purchased two big screen televisions |
Paid for original remodeling of the kitchen (1990) |
Added Cash Payments made by SSI to Park Ridge Park District
2006 | $112,000 |
2007 | $103,000 |
2008 | $120,000 |
2009 | $125,000 |
2010 | $104,000 |
More than Money
The Park Ridge Senior Center is not money or a building. It’s people. There would be no Park Ridge Senior Center, or at least the vibrant one we still have today, without its core; its long-time active members. Those people are the driving force behind the Center; not the employees and certainly not the Board. They are unhappy! They are feeling abused and disrespected by these Board Members.
Putting a face to these documents
As you read the text of the next three documents, I want you to put faces to their authors.
Click on a name to send email to your elected representative. Yellow = Officers
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Ms. Wynn- Ryan | Mr. Biagi | Mr. Thillens | Mr. Vile |
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Mr. Brandt | Mr. O’Brien | Mr. Hunst |
February 17, 2011 Resolution
Cooperative Guidelines
Cooperative Guidelines Report by Line
Note: AR = (A)uthority and/or (R)esponsibility.
Item | Page | Expectations | Who | Obligation | AR |
1 | WHEREAS, the Board of Park Commissioners of the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District ("District") adopted Resolution No. 11-1 on February 17, 2011 (the "Resolution"), and | ||||
1 | WHEREAS, the District's Executive Director, Gayle Mountcastle, has reviewed the matters pertaining to the operation of the Park Ridge Senior Center and the relationship between the District and Park Ridge Senior Services, Inc. and recommended to the Park Board that such relationship going forward (if it is to continue) should continue on the basis of the following Cooperative Guidelines, with which the Park Board has concurred, with the mutual expectation that SSI and the District will proceed to work together, if at all, in good faith, with the expectation of mutual reliance on the points hereinafter set forth: | ||||
1 | SSI is a 501-C3 corporation that provided the Park Ridge Senior Center with financial and advisory support. SSI has an eleven member Board of Directors that meets six times per year at the Senior Center. | ||||
1 | The mutual expectations of the parties are set forth below: | ||||
1 | 1 | Serve as advocates for Park Ridge Seniors for the purpose of further providing healthy living opportunities during the aging process. | SSI | Advocate | R |
2 | 1 | Conduct fundraising, accept donations, and encourage bequests to the District's use in supporting the operation of senior programs. | SSI | Marketing | R |
3 | 1 | Invest donations, fundraising dollars and bequests in a manner to obtain the best income yield consistent with due regard for the conservation of principal. | SSI | Finance | R |
4 | 1 | Provide input into applications for financial support submitted to obtain additional funding. | SSI | Finance | R |
5 | 1 | Accept financial support from donors, both individual and/or organizational. | SSI | Fundraise | R |
6 | 1 | Approve expenditures of SSI funds when indicated to be used for the purchase of equipment and supplies for senior center programs. | SSI | Pay Bills | R |
7 | 1 | Turn over to the District all monies received by SSI during each calendar quarter from all sources (including but not limited to proceeds of donations, fundraising, and grants) not later than 30 days after the end of each quarter, but not in excess of $15,000 per quarter; provided, however, that in addition to the forgoing required payments any monies received by SSI in a calendar quarter shall be paid by SSI to the District at the end of the next succeeding quarter, if any, during which monies received by SSI were less than $15,000, to the extent necessary to result in the District being paid $15,000 or as much there of as possible for each succeeding quarter, and further provided that any monies received by SSI in a calendar year in excess of the sum of $60,000 shall be paid by SSI to the District within 30 days after the end of such year. All monies thus paid to the District shall be used solely to defray the expense of programs and operations for seniors. | SSI | Fundraise | R |
8 | 1 | Notify the District within 30 days of receipt of any bequests received. | SSI | Fundraise | R |
9 | 2 | Plan and implement at least one annual fundraising event. | SSI | Fundraise | R |
10 | 2 | Offer fundraising events which will produce worthwhile net revenue, review proposed events with District staff prior to committing to the event for the purpose of determining if it is likely such event(s) will achieve such goal, or otherwise to not offer such event(s). | SSI | Fundraise | R |
11 | 2 | Insure against loss, theft, and other perils to its own personal property which as of June 2011, consists of the items listed below and any other additional personal property which SSI acquires or owns in the future, to be added to this list on an annual basis: Baby Grand Piano, Ceramic Kiln, Four (4) Pool Tables, Two (2) Big Screen TV Sets, All Lobby Furniture and Display Cases, All Tables (7 card tables, 12 banquet tables) and chairs (50) in the "Drop-In" Area at the center, Game (4) Tables, All Equipment in the Kitchen other than the Major Appliances, Projector used for the Computer Club, Two (2) Digital Pianos, Banquet Tables. | SSI | Insure | R |
12 | 2 | Prepare periodic financial reports showing only its own district revenues and expenses [not those provided by or expended by the District] such that same are timely available for SSI Board meetings and usable for the annual audit. | SSI | Book-Keeping | R |
13 | 2 | Prepare and provide a year-end income and expense statement to the District within 30 days after the end of each calendar year of its operation. | SSI | Book-Keeping | R |
14 | 2 | Prepare, timely file and provide to the District copies of all required State and Federal governmental reports and timely pay all amounts due in connection therewith. | SSI | Book-Keeping | R |
15 | 2 | Promptly inform the District of any revocation of its tax-exempt status and of any involuntary dissolution of its corporate existence. | SSI | Humble-Themselves | R |
16 | 2 | Make no claim at any time against the District, its officials, commissioners, agents, employees, successors and/or assigns for reimbursement or repayment to SSI of any unamortized capital improvements cost such as might arguably otherwise be required had any previous Agreement between SSI and the District been canceled by the District prior to its expiration. | SSI | Give Up Rights | R |
17 | 2 | Provide District with a certified copy of a resolution, in form reasonably acceptable to the District, duly adopted by the SSI Board of Directors not later than July 21, 2011, indicating its approval and acceptance of these Cooperative Guidelines. | SSI | Ultimatum-Deadline | R |
18 | 3 | Provide leisure, recreational and social opportunities for seniors at 100 S. Western Avenue, Park Ridge, Illinois or at any other location(s) which the District deems appropriate to offer and/or facilitate such senior opportunities. | PD | Facilities | RA |
19 | 3 | Provide District employees to carry out senior programming at the above location or at any other location(s) which the District deems appropriate to offer and/or facilitate such senior programming. | PD | Employee-Services | RA |
20 | 3 | Have sole responsibility for the hiring, evaluation, and discipline of such employees in accordance with the District's Personnel Policy Manual and to the extent applicable, the District's Collective Bargaining Agreement. | PD | Employee-Services | RA |
21 | 3 | Offer a wide variety of senior programs and evaluate continuously to assure the success of such programs. | PD | Programs | RA |
22 | 3 | Allow all seniors in Park Ridge the opportunity to register and participate in programs. | PD | Programs | RA |
23 | 3 | Have the sole responsibility for setting and collecting membership dues and fees and charges for all activities. | PD | Book-Keeping | RA |
24 | 3 | Permit others use of the building at such times and on such days as the District determines will not frustrate the purpose of these Guidelines. | PD | Programs | RA |
25 | 3 | Permit SSI to remove its personal property from the building, but not fixtures or capital improvements, upon request. | PD | Perceived Generosity | A |
26 | 3 | Make any improvements or alterations in, to or upon the building which District may deem necessary or desirable, from time to time. | PD | Facility-Mgmt. | RA |
27 | 3 | Periodically require those District employees who serve as staff at the building, with approval from the Superintendent of Recreation, to submit a list of requested equipment and supplies for consideration for funding from SSI. | PD | Facility-Mgmt. | RA |
28 | 3 | Provide a Park Commissioner to serve as a liaison to SSI, to be appointed by the President of the Park Board from time to time. | PD | Board-Ambassador | A |
29 | 3 | Provide SSI with a certified copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Park Board not later than 2011, indicating its approval and acceptance of these Cooperative Guidelines. | PD | Deadline | RA |